Spoofax 1.1


Spoofax 1.1 -- released February 15, 2013

Known issues




Spoofax is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.


Despite the disclaimer above we do our best to help users of Spoofax.

Subscribe to the Stratego mailing lists?, in particular the stratego-announce and stratego mailing lists to get announcements of new releases and ask questions about usage of the languages and tools. Also we're interested to know what people are using Stratego/XT for and how it might be improved, so feel free to drop us? a line.

Spoofax 1.1 - released February 15, 2013

Summary of Changes

Full issue list on YellowGrass http://yellowgrass.org/tag/Spoofax/1.1


NaBL Name Binding Language

A major (we think it is revolutionary) innovation in Spoofax 1.1 is the NaBL name binding language.


  • full support on Eclipse 3.7 and 3.8

Project Building

  • Project > Clean menu now cleans the project

  • Much more of the generated files can now be safely deleted (clean takes care of this)

  • The New Project wizard now supports creation of minimal project instead of full Entity

  • Display warning on start-up if Eclipse is not started with the necessary arguments (stack, heap, permgen)

- The new project wizard now supports creation of minimal project instead of full Entity - Display warning on start-up if Eclipse is not started with the necessary arguments (stack, heap, permgen) - Fixed the issue causing the file associations Eclipse preferences issue to be unusable (http://yellowgrass.org/issue/Spoofax/152) - Spoofax should be used with Eclipse Classic, as it conflicts with Web Tools Platform included in Eclipse for Java Developers. This is detailed in the issue http://yellowgrass.org/issue/Spoofax/620 and there's a note about this at http://strategoxt.org/Spoofax/Download under Incompatibilities. - Selective disable of sometimes broken completions tests in SPT. Issue and workaround described at http://yellowgrass.org/issue/Spoofax/544 - Preliminary support for building projects outside of Eclipse. Should work for most straight-forward projects that do not hook deeply into Eclipse directly. Documented at http://webdsl.org/spoofaxwiki/wiki/cmdline%20builds