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Homepage: http://www.xml.org/

XML is the Extensible Markup Language, a format for the exchange of structured data.

XML, which is a simplified subset of SGML, was designed as a universal structured document format, but it is general enough to represent arbitrary structured data in a text file. The format of a XML file is given separately in a DocumentTypeDefinition (DTD) or another SchemaLanguageForXML. The XML syntax is quite verbose and not (necessarily) meant to be read by humans. XML imposes a hierarchical tree structure on the data. GraX?, GXL, and RDF all use XML for data exchange. (Quoted from ExchangeFormatBibliography)

There are a number of systems for processing and transforming XML documents

There are also other ExchangeFormats, some of which are based on XML.

For parsing, three approaches are frequently used:
Concerning the Hyper Text Markup Language HTML we are all so familiar with, there is a redefinition of HTML-4 into XHTML1, which makes HTML really conform to the XML standard. See http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/

-- ArieVanDeursen (thnx, ErnstJanVerhoeven?).

CategoryDataFormat | Contributions by EelcoVisser, ArieVanDeursen, ErnstJanVerhoeven?, MartinBravenboer