Dsl Conferences

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Conferences / Workshops / Journals / Special Issues devoted to DomainSpecificLanguages.

(Listed in reverse chronological ordering of the submission date)

Domain-Specific Languages for Software Engineering.

HICSS Minitrack, 2003.

See http://marcel.uni-mb.si/marjan/hicss-36/

After the conference the best papers of this minitrack will be published (after further revision and refereeing) in a special issue of Science of Computer Programming

OOPSLA Workshop on Domain-Specific Visual Languages.


Important Dates

  • 19 September 2002 (Position Papers Due)
  • 10 October 2002 (Notification of Acceptance)
  • 4 November 2002 (Workshop)

The Journal of Computing and Information Technology has a Call for Contributions for a Special Issue on DSLs. Deadline for submission is July 15, 2001. Here is the link: http://www.cwi.nl/~ralf/cit-dsl.html -- RalfLaemmel

Papers were published in two issues:

Domain-Specific Languages for Software Engineering.

HICSS Minitrack. Hawai'i, January 7-10, 2002

See http://marcel.uni-mb.si/marjan/hicss-35/

Past Conferences and Workshops:

(Feel free to organize this in a better way -- HolgerKienle)

CategoryDSL | CategoryConference | ArieVanDeursen