StrategoXT 0.9

Version StrategoXT-0.9 released on January 26, 2003



Source distribution

StrategoXT is built using the ATermLibrary, the SDF syntax definition formalism and parser generator, and optionally the Nancy Choice Point Library cpl (with some adaptations for Stratego).

Binary distribution

Binary distributions built on RedHat Linux 8.0

Source RPMs

CVS development snapshot

After Stratego Release 09 the sources of the StrategoXT distribution have been moved to a Subversion repository. See Latest Sources? for information on how to obtain the latest developments (at your own risk).


StrategoXT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.


Please report any problems with installation or bugs in the implementation to the stratego-bugs mailing list. Please check the archive of the list to see if a report about the problem was already submitted.


Besides the dependency on the aterm-1.6.7 and sdf2-1.5, StrategoXT has the following dependencies:

The Stratego Compiler depends on

  • gcc (the extension of C with nested functions)

The build of the source distribution depends on the following software packages

  • gmake

Developers who need to rebuild Makefiles and the configure scripts will need

  • automake 1.6
  • autoconf 2.53

In addition the autoxt package that is part of the StrategoXT distribution should be installed prior to autobootstrapping such that the autoxt tool is visible from the path.


The following sequence of commands takes care of building and installing the aterm, sdf2, and StrategoXT packages from source.


   tar zxf aterm-1.6.7.tar.gz
   cd aterm-1.6.7
   ./configure --prefix=$DIR --with-all  
   make install
   cd ..

   tar zxf sdf2-1.5.tar.gz
   cd sdf2-1.5
   ./configure --prefix=$DIR --with-aterm=$DIR
   make install
   cd ..

   tar zxf StrategoXT-0.9.tar.gz
   cd StrategoXT-0.9
   ./configure --prefix=$DIR --with-aterm=$DIR --with-sdf=$DIR
   cd ..

Optionally you can install the choice point library prior to installation of StrategoXT:

   tar zxf cpl-stratego-0.4.tar.gz
   cd cpl-stratego-0.4
   ./configure --prefix=$DIR 
   make install
   cd ..

To use the choice point library configure StrategoXT as follows:

   ./configure --prefix=$DIR --with-aterm=$DIR --with-sdf=$DIR --with-cpl=$DIR 


The StrategoXT distribution consists of the following StrategoXT Packages

  • autoxt -- autoconf/make support for packages using XT

  • srts? -- Stratego run-time system

  • xtc -- Transformation tool composition (component model)
  • sdf-import -- XTC registration of SDF tools

  • stratego-front -- Stratego syntax and support for concrete object syntax
  • sc? -- Stratego compiler
  • GPP -- Pretty-printing tools based on box
  • c-tools -- Improved support for the generation of C code

  • ssl? -- Stratego Standard Library

  • boxenv -- LaTeX? run-time system for Box

  • xt -- some tool compositions


To do

Previous Releases

Note that this wiki page is versioned. Pointers to earlier (beta) releases can be found on earlier versions of this page. Not all beta distributions are guaranteed to be available though.


From the NEWS file

StrategoXT 0.9 -- released January 26, 2003

This release completely integrates concrete object syntax into
Stratego. The extension of Stratego with concrete syntax implies a
dependence of the compiler on several of the XT packages. Therefore,
the new StrategoXT distribution integrates Stratego and XT. The parser
for modules is now only based on SDF/SGLR; the LEX/YACC grammar has
been retired. The XTC transformation tool composition framework
provides a setting for easily creating transformation systems composed
from transformation components.  The AutoXT package provides support
for autoconf/make packages using the StrategoXT toolset. This has
greatly simplified the configuration of the StrategoXT
packages. Several new tools and libraries have been added, and
existing packages have been refactored to use AutoXT and XTC. The
distribution is available in binary form. Currently only in the form
of RedHat 8.0 RPMs.


  The download page contains the source distribution and instructions
  for installation



  * StrategoXT
    - XT CVS repository moved from CWI to UU
    - Merged XT and Stratego repositories
    - Single distribution for StrategoXT
    - Separate packages will also be available

  * AutoXT 
    - Autoconf/make support for XT packages
    - Building the distribution uses only the C compiler

  * SRTS
    - Complete run-time system for Stratego programs, including
      library primitives. After C generation, this package is
      all that is needed to compile a Stratego program.

  * XTC
    - Transformation tool composition
    - Sdf-import -- XTC registration of sdf tools

  * GPP
    - Refactoring of the package using XTC
    - A boxes supported by abox2text

    - Format checker generation 

    - Support for ToBuild and FromApp to implement ASP style quotation

    - Support for C generation (and transformation)
    - Refactoring of the cgen package which is now obsolete
    - Support for generation of dot files

  * SC
    - Bug in dynamic rules with overlapping left-hand sides fixed
    - LEX/YACC grammar retired; the compiler now depends on SDF
    - Stricter bound variables checking

  * SSL 
    - Parenthesize is a generic strategy for placing parentheses
      based on priority information. flatten-list completely flattens a list.
    - For-each-pair(s) produces the list of pairs <s>(x,y) for each pair 
      of x from xs and y from ys.
    - Execution of external processes (call) now defined in terms of primitives
      fork, wait and such

    - Format checker generation 

    - Parse-unit is a tool for unit testing SDF definitions. 

    - The sdf-import package registers the SDF tools sdf2table and
      sglr in an XTC repository to make them available for XTC programs.

  * RPM
    - construction of binary distributions with rpm

  * Many bug fixes and refactorings


  * The build of the StrategoXT package invokes 'make install' since the 
    installation of the libraries in srts are needed for the build of the
    rest of the package. This makes building of debian packages
    problematic. This problem will be addressed in future releases.

  * When bootstrapping the package from CVS it is necessary to install the
    autoxt package before calling the main 'bootstrap' script since that
    calls the autoxt tool.


  Details about the changes since 0.8.1 can be found in the descriptions 
  of the 0.9beta releases in the NEWS file in the distribution. Further
  documentation can be found on the website.


  * The StrategoXT-0.9 release involved a major refactoring of the
    stratego and XT packages and the introduction of several new
    packages. In particular, the introduction of XTC and AutoXT provide
    a significant improvement of the composition of tools and the
    configuration of packages. The production of the final release
    involved 10 beta releases.   

  * Bug reports and suggestions for improvements where submitted by: 

    Karina Olmos, Martin Bravenboer, Jonne van Wijngaarden, Lennart
    Swart, Alan van Dam, Jozef Kruger, Armijn Hemel, Eelco Dolstra,
    Julien LEMOINE, ChoJin, Akim Demaille

  * The major developments were carried out by 

    Eelco Visser, Martin Bravenboer


Version 0.9beta10 - released January 12, 2003


The download page contains the source distribution and instructions
for installation


CHANGES with respect to 0.9beta9

  * SSL : parenthesize is a generic strategy for placing parentheses
    based on priority information. flatten-list completely flattens a list.

  * SRTS : intall header files for SSL primitives in
    PREFIX/include/srts instead of PREFIX/include/ssl to avoid conflicts
    with OpenSSL

  * XTC : 'xtc call prog' to call program prog relative to XTC repository,
    and 'xtc get file' to find location of file in XTC repository.

  * SC : started using concrete C syntax in s2c

  * AUTOXT/Makefile.xt : Register repository declared with XTC_IMPORT in
    a makefile

  * Use CFLAGS="-D__NO_CTYPE" in RPM build to allow portability to
    suse (hopefully)


  * Reference Card 

    See for a
    data-flow diagram explaining the relation between many of the StrategoXT


Version 0.9beta9 - released January 5, 2003


The download page contains the source distribution and instructions
for installation


SUMMARY OF CHANGES with respect to 0.9beta8

  * box-tools: a refactoring of gpp using xtc and improved Box support
  * stratego-tools: format checker generation
  * ssl: for-each-pair
  * sc: bugfixes
  * binary distribution with RPM (StrategoXT.spec)


* BOX-TOOLS (formerly GPP)
  Martin Bravenboer refactored the GPP package to use XTC
  and improved the functionality 

  * All tools are implemented in Stratego, shell-scripts
    are replaced by XTC tools.
  * important changes that might cause problems with 
    existing software:
      - verbose options are now all the standard Stratego
        options: --verbose int and -S. The -v argument has
        another meaning: the version of the tool will
        be shown.
      - Makefile to pretty print terms or parse pretty print
        tables is gone. You should use the new tools.
      - tohtml is not yet available as part of box-tools
  * gen-css-boxstyle: generate css for abox2html. 
    Uses standard -o argument to specify target. 
    abox2html -c just forwards to gen-css-boxstyle and
    also listens to the -o argument.
  * abox2text listens to width argument
  * abox2text supports HV boxes
  * abox2text now supports the HV and A/R boxes. The current
    implementation does not support R cells that will occupy 
    more than one line and must be aligned center or right.
    Left alignment should work. Single line cells works for
    all alginments.
  * new tools: pp-box, parse-box, parse-pp-table, pp-pp-table.
  * ast2abox accepts pretty print tables as arguments.
    If you pass a .pp argument the tool will look for an
    existing .af version of this table and use this one if the
    .pp version is not newer. In all other cases the .pp table
    will be parsed to _temporary_ file.
  * grammars and pretty print tables of box and pp-tables are 
  * abox-format doesn't complain about AOPTIONS.


  format checker generation 

  - for-each-pair(s) produces the list of pairs <s>(x,y) for each pair 
    of x from xs and y from ys.

* SC
  - bugfix in compilation of dynamic rules
  - sc: compilation without -o argument does the right thing again
  - pack-stratego: module searching faithful to path


  RPMs can be built using the 'make rpm' target. This requires
  the installation of rpms for aterm, sdf2, srts and xtc prior to
  building the rpm. RPMs for srts and xtc can be produced using
  the rpm targets in the srts/ and xtc/ directories.
  In order to install the StrategoXT rpm the srts and xtc rpms
  should be erased first.


Version 0.9beta8 - released January 2, 2003


The download page contains the source distribution and instructions
for installation


SUMMARY OF CHANGES with respect to 0.9beta7

  * Bugfix: dynamic rules with overlapping left-hand sides 
  * XTC -- polishing
  * More tools based on XTC -- parse-stratego, sc, pack-stratego
  * C-Tools -- support for C generation (and transformation)
  * AutoXT -- support for recursive 
  * Bug fixes and refactorings


* Dynamic rules with overlapping left-hand sides 

  The desugaring of dynamic rules has been changed to repair the
  problems arising when two dynamic rules with the same name have
  different left-hand sides, but the same number of context variables
  in the left-hand side. The key that is used for a dynamic rule is
  now the entire left-hand side, modulo non-context variables. The
  new implementation will also make it easier to define (or even
  generate) operations for saving, restoring, and intersecting sets
  of dynamic rules, as used in data-flow optimizations.


  The XTC support library is further polished. The xtc-iowrap(s) strategy
  is the XTC variant of the traditional iowrap. It takes care of option 
  parsing, setting up the input file, and writing to the output file. The
  s strategy is typically a chain of xtc transformations. But it can also
  be used as replacement for iowrap, by wrapping xtc-io-transform(..) around
  a term transformation.

* C-Tools

  The c-tools package is a refactoring of the cgen package for C code
  generation (by Martin Bravenboer). The package will replace cgen
  in future releases; it is not yet used within StrategoXT.

* Using XTC

  The implementation of many composite tools is greatly simplified by
  using XTC. Configuration files are now obsolete, at least the import
  mechanism for configuration files. Any resources a component needs
  should be obtained through an XTC repository.

* SDF Tools
  Parse-unit is a tool for unit testing SDF definitions. Contribution
  by Martin Bravenboer.

* SSL / exec
  - fork-and-wait fails if the child returns with a non-zero exit

  - call definined in terms of fork and execvp in Stratego; previous
    implementation was complex C implementation. 

  - call(init-child) is like call, but applies init-child in the
    child process before the execvp
  - redirect-stdout-to-file and redirect-stdin-from-file do as their
    name suggest. They can be used with call(...) to redirect input
    and/or output of the child process. Using this files can be copied
    using the cat program as follows:
     cat :
       (filein, fileout) -> fileout
       where <call(<redirect-stdin-from-file> filein;
              <redirect-stdout-to-file> fileout)> ("cat", [])

    Typical use of all this is to coerce programs that only read or
    write using stdio into using file io.

* AutoXT

  Added support for recursive bootclean target to Makefile.xt. To use
  it Makefile.xt should be included in every in the
  directory structure. The subdirectories that should be bootcleaned
  should be declared in BOOTCLEAN_SUBDIRS variable. Leaf directories
  that don't use Makefile.xt should declare the target bootclean.

* Bug fixes and refactorings

  While fixing bugs and adding functionality, the compiler components
  are gradually refactored to use more modern Stratego techniques.


Version 0.9beta7 - released December 13, 2002


The download page contains the source distribution and instructions
for installation



  * AutoXT -- autoconf/make support for XT packages
  * XTC -- Transformation tool composition
  * Sdf-import -- XTC registration of sdf tools
  * Dot-tools -- syntax of the dot language

  * LEX/YACC grammar retired
  * All StrategoXT packages use autoxt
  * Building the distribution uses only the C compiler


* AutoXT
  The autoxt package provides autoconf and automake support for packages
  constructed with the XT toolset. The package provides the autoxt tool
  which should be run as part of the autoconf/make bootstrapping process,
  prior to running autoconf. A typical bootstrap script looks like:

  ------------------------------------------------ bootstrap
  #! /bin/sh
  aclocal -I .
  automake -a

  Autoxt installs a set of m4 macros autoxt.m4 with support for
  package configuration switches. By just including the macro call
  USE_XT_PACKAGES a file can be parameterized with
  switches for all the StrategoXT packages:

  AC_OUTPUT(Makefile syn/Makefile)

  Furthermore, autoxt installs Makefile.xt, a collection of automake
  rules for compiling Stratego programs and applying other XT tools,
  such as signature generation. Using this makefile, a makefile
  reduces to a declaration of programs to be compiled. The makefile
  automatically takes care of distributing the generated C code. The
  specification will only be compiled when it is newer than the C
  code. This means that packages using autoxt can be built using only
  the Stratego Run-Time System (srts).

  include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.xt
  include $(wildcard *.dep)

  bin_PROGRAMS    = xtc
  pkgdata_DATA    = xtc-lib.rtree xtc-rep.rtree
  SCFLAGS         = --main $* $(XTCFLAGS)
  EXTRA_DIST      = $(wildcard *.str) $(wildcard *.meta)
  CLEANFILES      = $(wildcard *.dep)

  xtc.o           : xtc-conf.h

* XTC -- Transformation Tool Composition

  StrategoXT encourages a development model in which stand-alone
  components are developed for separate aspects of program
  transformation, instead of implementing integrated monolithic
  transformation systems. A typical component reads a program
  represented by means of an ATerm, transforms it, and writes out a
  transformed ATerm. The advantage of this approach is that the
  components can be reused in different transformation systems. The
  composition mechanisms used to date include makefiles, shell
  scripts, and Stratego programs. The problem with the approach is
  keeping track of all available components and their installation
  locations. As a consequence of making components available in small
  packages (to increase reusability), compositions need to be
  parameterized with a large number of installation paths. The XTC
  component model and API supports the easy composition of XT
  components using a repository to keep track of available components.

  XTC implements the XT component model and provides support for creating
  compositions of XT components. The xtc tool is used to register components
  in an XTC repository. For example the command:

    > xtc -r /usr/share/StrategoXT/XTC register -t sglr -l /bin -V 3.8
  registers version 3.8 of sglr which is installed in /bin in the XTC
  repository located in /usr/share/StrategoXT. The generic Makefile.xt
  provided by AutoXT automatically registers all installed tools with the
  package repository.

  XTC repositories can be used to find the installation location of a tool
  without needing to know all the installation paths. For example, the
  following query can be used to find out where sglr is installed:

    > xtc -r /usr/share/StrategoXT/XTC query -t sglr 
    sglr (3.8) : /bin/sglr

  An existing repository can be inherited by importing it

    > xtc -r /home/user/share/tiger/XTC import /usr/share/StrategoXT/XTC

  In addition to the command-line tool for registration and querying of
  repositories, XTC also provides a Stratego API for approaching XTC
  repositories. All that is required to use this API is (1) importing
  the xtc-lib module and (2) including an xtc-conf.h header file in
  the generated C code. The details are supported by Makefile.xt. 
  To use XTC add the following to your 

  bin_PROGRAMS  = term-to-dot
  SCFLAGS       = --main $* $(XTCFLAGS)
  term-to-dot.o : xtc-conf.h

  The depedency of term-to-dot.o on xtc-conf.h is needed to ensure
  that it is generated. The xtc-conf.h header file contains the name
  of the XTC repository used by the package. 

  The XTC API supports easy calling of external Stratego components
  and mixing them with internally defined transformations. Here is an

  module term-to-dot
  imports xtc-lib lib term-to-adot
    term-to-dot =
      parse-options(term-to-adot-options <+ io-options)
      ; xtc-temp-files(
          (!FILE(<get-config> "-i") <+ !stdin)
          ; read-from
          ; to-adot
          ; write-to
          ; xtc-transform(!"ast2abox", !["-p", <xtc-find> "Dot-pretty.pp"])
          ; xtc-transform(!"abox2text")
          ; rename-to(<get-config> "-o"))
      ; <exit> 0

  Note that no code is needed to load the repository. Whenever a query is
  done (e.g., by xtc-transform to find "ast2abox"), and no repository is
  loaded the XTC repository is loaded.

  AutoXT provides support for XTC by means of a package switch --with-repository
  that can be used to indicate the repository in which to register tools.
  The default is $prefix/share/$PACKAGE/XTC, i.e., the XTC file in the package
  data directory. In the StrategoXT distribution the sub-packages inherit the
  repository location from the super-package, i.e., all StrategoXT tools are
  registered in $prefix/share/StrategoXT/XTC.

  Makefile.xt implements an automake install hook to install all programs,
  scripts, and data. Thus it is not necessary to include make rules for
  this purpose. The Makefile example above is sufficient to register
  tools and data.

* SDF-import

  The sdf-import package registers the SDF tools sdf2table and sglr in
  an XTC repository to make them available for XTC programs.

* Dot-tools

  This package provides a refactored syntax definition of the Dot language,
  generated signature, pretty-printer, and Stratego embedding.

* LEX/YACC Grammar Retired

  Since SDF is starting to be used structurally in the Stratego
  compiler, the LEX/YACC definition is no longer part of the distribution. It
  is a pain to maintain and to keep the two definitions in synch. 


Version 0.9beta2


  * StrategoXT
  * XT CVS repository from CWI to UU
  * Autotools


* XT CVS repository from CWI to UU

  Only Merijn, Joost, and I had access to the CVS repository at
  CWI. This was fine at first, but really hampered development in the
  last year or so. Now developers can get an account at the CVS server
  at UU to contribute directly to the source tree instead of via
  patches, which requires a lot of work from our side.

* Autotools

  Akim Demaille pointed out that the use of autoconf and automake in
  Stratego and XT is antiquated, and badly needs to be updated to more
  modern versions of these tools. I had already encountered this
  problem when trying to build on a FreeBSD machine. The first fix is
  to renovate the current scripts and makefiles such that they will
  pass through newer versions of the autotools.

  This turned out not to be such a problem. The issues were:

  Automake enforces consistent usage of = and += 

  The AC_OUTPUT_SUBDIRS macro used in the Autobundle macro
  AB_CONFIG_PKG is no longer used. I found a simple fix for this
  problem using google. The fix defines the old style macro in terms
  of the new one, if it was not defined yet:


  (I noticed only later that Akim is one of the authors of the new
  autotools, and was pushing his own work;-)

  The 0.9beta1 release is generated using autoconf 2.53 and automake 1.5

* StrategoXT

  The development of most Stratego applications involves tools from XT
  for parsing, imploding, pretty-printing, generating signatures, and
  so on. The introduction of concrete syntax in Stratego made this
  link even more important.  The slow development this year made it
  very hard to get a distribution of XT out with good support for
  concrete syntax. Since several of the XT tools are used in the
  compilation of .cr modules (implode-asfix in particular), and some
  others in the build of stratego-front, bootstrapping the compiler
  now involves these XT packages. In order to get a quick development
  and release cycle for Stratego, the XT packages should evolve at the
  same pace. (Recently some changes where needed to implode-asfix to
  support list variables used in list matching.)

  To make this easier I have merged the CVS repositories of Stratego
  and XT into a single new repository StrategoXT, which will also
  be the name of the distribution. There are a few changes with
  respect to the old XT bundle:

  - The repository itself has a main level package structure
    (inherited from Stratego). This makes it possible to build
    StrategoXT directly from the repository without having to go through
    autobundle. The sub-packages should still be distributed separately,
    and be subject to bundling in other packages, but development of
    StrategoXT should be smooth.

  - External packages (aterm, sdf, cpl-stratego) have been factored
    out since they are, well, external, and relatively stable with
    respect to StrategoXT development. In this way we can develop
    StrategoXT against a stable baseline of aterm and sdf2, and 
    every now and then upgrade to newer versions.

  - A separate bundle for sdf2-1.5 is available from the stratego site

  - The grammar base has been factored out of the bundle since
    development and distribution of grammars should not be directed
    by tool distribution. Grammars evolve much faster 

  - Application packages such as autobundle have been factored out,
    since they are, well, applications. I propose to create a new
    repository xtapp (better name?) in which such packages live
    as modules. (There exists already a repository sp [stratego
    projects] with projects such as tiger.)

  - Grammar-recovery is not included presently; should it be?

  - Version numbering: I have promoted all packages to the Stratego
    numbering scheme, except for the packages such as gpp, which
    were already past 1.0. I don't know what to do about that


Revision: r1.38 - 28 Apr 2005 - 22:24 -
Stratego > ReleasePlan > ReleasePlan > StrategoRelease09
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