The workshop was held on October 24, 2004 as part of the OOSPL 2004 in Vancouver. The [[][Call for Papers]] contains links to the submitted position papers and information about the workshop organisers etc. The workshop participants agreed to document (some of) the workshop results using this wiki. After a discussion of the [[MVCDC2004 Papers][Position Papers]] several topics were selected and grouped together. For each topic group a seperate group discussed the questions in detail and presented the results in a plenary session afterwards. ---++ Discussion Topics 1 [[MVCDC2004 Feature Mining][Feature Mining]] 2 bottom up identification of variability 2 feature mining 2 notions of "feature" 1 [[MVCDC2004 Evolution][Evolution]] 3 Refactoring; impact on previous variants 3 traceability of variation points 3 consistent mapping between model and implementation -> #number of steps/levels 3 Core changing -> smaller, ->not at all -> bigger 3 mechanisms for managing intra lifecycle vaiability 1 [[MVCDC2004 Adoption][Adoption]] 3 adoption criteria ->new projects, ->legacy projects 3 pointcut language for procedural languages 3 imperfect/partial/incomplete "framework" for managing varibailiy in the real world 3 modeling/ensuring QoS for different variants 3 testing of product lines 1 [[MVCDC2004 Mapping of Domain Space to Solution Space][Mapping of Domain Space to Solution Space]] 3 type and mechanism of variation 3 semantic interfaces 3 on demand variation 3 crosscutting feature models 3 valid variations in problem/solution space