Statistics for Trash Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Feb 2008 68 0 0  10 WebStatistics
  8 PhpFront
  6 AndreaScavuzzo
  6 WebIndex
  6 WebChanges
  5 WebHome
  4 WebTopicList
  4 TrashAttachment
  3 RetireYACCGrammar
  3 GpceWorkshops
  2 Lochtml
Jan 2008 312 0 0  52 WebStatistics
 37 WebHome
 32 TWikiGuestLeftBar0
 25 WebChanges
 19 PhpFront
 16 WebIndex
 14 WebLeftBar
 13 AndreaScavuzzo
 11 WebTopicList
 11 Lochtml
 11 RetireYACCGrammar
Dec 2007 235 0 0  27 WebHome
 27 WebChanges
 23 WebIndex
 21 WebStatistics
 19 PhpFront
 14 AndreaScavuzzo
 14 WebLeftBar
 14 TrashAttachment
 11 WebTopicList
 11 WebPreferences
 10 WebNotify
Nov 2007 236 0 0  34 WebStatistics
 21 WebHome
 20 WebChanges
 20 TrashAttachment
 17 PhpFront
 16 WebIndex
 13 AndreaScavuzzo
 13 RetireYACCGrammar
 13 WebPreferences
 13 WebLeftBar
 11 WebTopicList
Oct 2007 280 0 0  42 WebHome
 37 WebStatistics
 22 WebChanges
 20 PhpFront
 19 WebNotify
 17 AndreaScavuzzo
 17 WebIndex
 15 RetireYACCGrammar
 15 TrashAttachment
 14 WebPreferences
 14 WebLeftBar
Sep 2007 304 0 0  64 WebStatistics
 50 JerryJuarez
 29 WebHome
 19 WebIndex
 19 TrashAttachment
 18 WebChanges
 17 AndreaScavuzzo
 17 PhpFront
 16 WebNotify
 16 WebLeftBar
 13 RetireYACCGrammar
Aug 2007 585 0 0 143 WebStatistics
 64 TrashAttachment
 56 WebHome
 47 RetireYACCGrammar
 43 WebChanges
 40 PhpFront
 38 WebIndex
 31 AndreaScavuzzo
 30 WebLeftBar
 24 WebTopicList
 24 WebPreferences
Jul 2007 976 0 0 244 WebStatistics
 93 TrashAttachment
 92 WebHome
 68 RetireYACCGrammar
 60 WebTopicList
 59 PhpFront
 51 WebPreferences
 50 WebIndex
 47 WebNotify
 47 WebChanges
 42 WebLeftBar
Jun 2007 683 0 0 176 WebStatistics
 75 WebHome
 58 TrashAttachment
 48 RetireYACCGrammar
 47 PhpFront
 43 WebIndex
 35 WebPreferences
 33 WebTopicList
 33 WebChanges
 28 WebLeftBar
 27 WebNotify
May 2007 645 0 0 185 WebStatistics
 62 TrashAttachment
 51 WebHome
 46 PhpFront
 40 WebPreferences
 38 WebChanges
 34 WebIndex
 34 RetireYACCGrammar
 32 WebLeftBar
 30 WebTopicList
 28 WebNotify
Apr 2007 593 0 0 179 WebStatistics
 52 WebHome
 52 WebChanges
 41 PhpFront
 38 TrashAttachment
 30 WebLeftBar
 26 WebIndex
 26 RetireYACCGrammar
 24 WebPreferences
 23 WebTopicList
 21 WebNotify
Mar 2007 553 0 0 186 WebStatistics
 45 WebChanges
 44 WebIndex
 42 TrashAttachment
 35 WebHome
 33 RetireYACCGrammar
 29 PhpFront
 26 WebLeftBar
 22 WebTopicList
 18 WebSearch
 17 WebNotify
Feb 2007 864 0 0 210 WebStatistics
 55 TrashAttachment
 51 WebIndex
 43 PhpFront
 41 WebPreferences
 40 WebChanges
 38 WebHome
 34 WebLeftBar
 31 RetireYACCGrammar
 28 AndreaScavuzzo
 26 WebTopicList
Jan 2007 982 0 0 176 WebStatistics
 57 WebHome
 57 WebIndex
 57 WebChanges
 56 TrashAttachment
 48 WebNotify
 42 WebPreferences
 40 PhpFront
 31 WebTopicList
 27 RetireYACCGrammar
 27 WebLeftBar
Dec 2006 580 0 0  92 WebStatistics
 43 WebChanges
 41 WebHome
 38 PhpFront
 35 WebIndex
 35 TrashAttachment
 33 WebNotify
 29 RetireYACCGrammar
 29 WebLeftBar
 25 WebTopicList
 22 WebPreferences
Nov 2006 1025 0 0 135 WebStatistics
 73 WebHome
 60 WebChanges
 50 WebIndex
 47 TrashAttachment
 44 WebNotify
 35 WebTopicList
 34 WebPreferences
 32 WebLeftBar
 27 PhpFront
 22 WebSearch
Oct 2006 1354 0 0 141 WebStatistics
 62 WebHome
 49 TrashAttachment
 38 WebIndex
 37 WebNotify
 35 WebChanges
 33 WebPreferences
 22 WebTopicList
 18 WebLeftBar
 12 WebSearch
 11 WebSearchAdvanced
Sep 2006 806 0 0  69 WebHome
 69 WebStatistics
 34 TrashAttachment
 33 WebChanges
 24 WebNotify
 23 WebSearch
 22 WebIndex
 18 WebPreferences
 15 WebTopicList
  9 WebLeftBar
  8 PhpFront
Aug 2006 946 0 0 159 WebHome  


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  • Suggestion: You could archive this topic once a year and delete the previous year's statistics from the table.

Revision: r1.154 - 11 Feb 2008 - 01:12 - TWikiGuest
Trash > WebStatistics
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