The following people are somehow related to ProgramTransformation. Note that the list is by no means complete. Please add anyone (including yourself) to the list, if appropriate. See also CategoryPeople, Main.WhereToPutMyHomePage. *A* * AlexAiken * PeterAiken * ArvindArvind * UweAssman * TiagoAssumpcao *B* * FrancoiseBalmas * DonBatory * IraBaxter * OttoSkroveBagge * RichardBird * ZinoBenaissa * JimBoyle * MarkVanDenBrand * JohnBrant * MartinBravenboer * PrestonBriggs * ArneDeBruijn * LizBurd * [[][PauloBorba]] *C* * JohnCallahan * ElliotChikofsky * HoratiuCirstea * CristinaCifuentes * AndrewCooke * JamesCordy * JamesCross * RonCytron * KrzysztofCzarnecki *D* * ArthurVanDam * OlivierDanvy * Serge Demeyer [[][(LORE home page)]] * ArieVanDeursen * EelcoDolstra *E* * DavidEriksson *F* * JeanMarieFavre * FabioFioravanti * MartinFowler * ChristopherFraser * RudolfFerenc *G* * GalalGalal * JohnGallagher * ManolisGergatsoulis * Main.JeffGray * DickGrune *H* * PaulHaley * MagneHaveraaen * JanHeering * StephenHeffner * JeanHenrard * RicHolt * TonyHoare * LinHu *J* * EdJason * JohanJeuring * PatriciaJohann * RalphJohnson * HaycoDeJong * MerijnDeJonge *K* * WolframKahl * KarlTrygveKalleberg * DickKieburtz * HolgerKienle * ClaudeKirchner * HeleneKirchner * PaulKlint * RainerKoschke * HerbertKuchen *L* * DavidLacey * RalfLaemmel * KungKiuLau * ChrisLenguaer * MichaelLeuschel * ChuckLiang * PanosLinos * BasLuttik *M* * LuizaDeMacedoMourelle * SpirosMancoridis * LambertMeertens * TomMens * MarkMinas * BrianMitchell * OegeDeMoor * PierreEtienneMoreau * PeterMosses * HausiMueller *N* * GopalanNadathur * JimNeighbors * [[][GordonNovak]] *O* * PieterOlivier * KarinaOlmos *P* * RobertPaige * JensPalsberg * DidierParigot * HelmutPartsch * TerenceParr * MikaelPettersson * AlbertoPettorossi * SimonPeytonJones * AndrewPitts * MaurizioProietti * LaurencePuel *R* * VaclavRajlich * DonRoberts * ChrisRussell *S* * Main.AdelineSousa * Main.GustavoSantos * YannisSmaragdakis * GaneshSittampalam * TarjaSysta *T* * AndrewTolmach * JensTroeger * MarkTullsen * ValentinTurchin *U* * TarmoUustala *V* * Main.HansVangheluwe * VarmoVene * RakeshVerma * GermanVidal * EelcoVisser * JoostVisser * Main.MikeVanEmmerik * JurgenVinju * MarkusVoelter *W* * PhilipWadler * MartinWard * LindaWills * KennyWong *See Also* * MarkLeone's list of researchers in programming languages at ---- CategoryPeople | CategoryCollection