The ReverseAndReengineeringTaxonomy defines reengineering as:

the examination and alteration of a subject system to reconstitute it in a new form and the subsequent implementation of the new form.

See also


E. J. Byrne (A Conceptual Foundation for Software Re-Engineering, ICSM 1992, pp. 226-235) has proposed a model for reengineering distinguishing three steps:
  1. ReverseEngineering
  2. ReStructuring
  3. ForwardEngineering

which he visualizes using the following figure:


The SEI Horseshoe Model is similar to Byrne's model, and takes a SoftwareArchitecture perspecitve on reengineering:



CategoryReengineeringPages | CategoryReengineeringWiki | Contributions by ArieVanDeursen

Revision: r1.12 - 23 Jul 2002 - 22:24 - MaD
Transform > ReEngineering
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