_Practical Reusable UNIX Software_ [[Balachander Krishnamurthy]] (editor) John Wiley & Sons, 1995. Book about a collection of software from AT&T Research Labs including * AcaCia / CIAO / cia --- A C++ Information Abstraction System. * A graphical navigator for software and web repositories (pages 202-204). * A [[reverse engineering]] tool (pages 177-208). * app --- Self-Checking Programs and Program Instrumentation (pages 159-176). * astkit | archive --- The basic ast execution environment: ksh93, nmake, 3d, coshell, pax, sort, .... * easel --- An Application-Building Language (pages 139-158). * ft --- Software Fault Tolerance Platform (pages 223-244). * Graph Visualization --- Intertool Connections: dotty (pages 300-315). * sfio --- Safe/Fast I/O Library (pages 53-57). * vmalloc --- A General and Efficient Memory Allocation Library (pages 62-65). The book is available online: * http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/reuse/ * http://www.research.att.com/~gsf/publications/prus-1995-1.pdf ----- CategoryBook | -- Main.EelcoVisser - 01 Apr 2002