Is it true that people find the current layout too full? -- Main.ArieVanDeursen The new layout only has a sidebar for navigation. Is this satisfactory? -- Main.EelcoVisser - 09 Nov 2001 ---- I think it's better, but in my opinion the side bar still is to crowded. I'd propose the following: * Replace the Collections by a single pointer to a Collections page (or CategoryCollection). This eliminates 5 items * Drop the topicname from the side bar. For long names, gives a very wide sidebar. * In the current layout I've problems finding the edit button. I'd propose to have a big centered "Edit" button immediately below the surveys * I'd put the Webs in a separate page OtherWebs Well, and after this, we'll see ... -- ArieVanDeursen; 14 Nov 2001. ---- Thanks, it's better now. -- ArieVanDeursen; 17 Nov 2001. ---- CategoryWiki