The International Conference on Software Maintenance

  • Deadline: March
  • Conference: September
  • Chicago Illinois, USA (2004)

2004 conference:
Earlier conferences


(From the web page:) The International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM) is the world's major international conference for software and systems maintenance, evolution, and management. For the 20th ICSM 2004 we invite you to join us in exploring issues related to maintaining, modifying, enhancing, and testing operational systems and designing, building, testing, and evolving maintainable systems.

ICSM 2004 will address the major challenges confronting maintenance and evolution. We will concentrate on identifying new opportunities for collaboration between researchers and practitioners.

Research Papers

Research papers should describe original and significant work in the research and practice of software maintenance and evolution. Research papers may also describe a significant experience in applying software maintenance and evolution technology. Case studies, empirical research, and well-designed experiments are particularly welcome. We also welcome papers that present leading edge and novel ideas in maintenance.

Revision: r1.4 - 16 Jun 2004 - 04:19 - MikeVanEmmerik
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