RESUME MAURICE HOWARD HALSTEAD BA University of California, Berkeley 1940 MS U. S. Naval academy1 pas (Annapolis) 1943 PhD Johns Hopkins (Baltimore) 1951 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Research U.S. Department Agriculture 1940-42 Aerological Officer U.S. Navy 1942-45 Research Meteorologist U.S. Weather Bureau & Pineapple Research Institute 1945-48 Assistant Professor & Assistant Director, Lab of Climatology Johns Hopkins 1948-53 Associate Professor & Principle Investigator A&M College of Texas 1953-57 Research Physicist & Head, Naval ELectronics Lab Computer Center San Diego 1957-63 Consulting Scientist Lockheed, Sunnyvale, Cal. 1963-67 Professor of Computer Sciences Purdue university 1967- PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES AND HONORS 1. American Association for the Advancment of Science, member, 1942; Fellow in Physics, 1955. 2. Association for computing Machinery, Member, 1957; Chapter Chairman, San Francisco, 1966-67, San Diego, 1959-60, SIG PLAN Fxecutive Committee, 1971-73. 3. The Society of the Sigma XI, Member 1950. 4. American Geophysical Union, Member, 1942, Conmittee on Evapotranspiration, 1956-59. 5. World Meteorological Organization, elected Associate Member, 1953. 6. American Meteorological Society, Member, 1943, Profes- sional Member, 1954. Committee on Agricultural Meteo- rology, 1953-57. Associate Editor Journal, 1955-61. 7. Soil Science Socicty of America, Member, 1954. 8. National Acaderny of Science-National Research Council, Committee on Agricultural Meteorology and Climatolo9y, Chairman, 1955-57. PUBLICATIONS 1. NELIAC - A Universal Machine Independent Programming. NEL TM-419. July 1960. (co-author) 2. NELIAC, A Dialect of Algol. Communications of the ACM Vol. 3, No. 3, Aug. 1960, Pages 463-68. (co-author) 3. Review of AVTOMATICHESKOE UPRAVLENIE E VICHESLETELNIA TEXENKA (Automatic Control and Computer Techniques, in Russian) by G. R. Poliakov, Computer Reviews, Vol. 2, No. 3, 1961, Page 68. 4. Machine-Independent Computer Programming. Spartan Books, 1962. 5. NELIAC. Communications of the ACM, Vol, 6, No. 3, March 1963. 6. An Algorithmic Search Procedure for Program Generation. American Federation of Information Processing Societies Conference Proceedings, Vol. 30, 1967, Pages 657-62. (co-author) 7. Machine Independence and Third-Cenoration Computers. AFIPS Conf. Proc., Vol. 31, 1967, Pages 587-592. 8. The Sorcerer's Apprentice in Academe (Letter) Science, Vol. 164, No. 3378. 9. Using the Computer for Program Conversion, Datamation, May 1970, Vol. 16, No. 5., Pages 125-29. 10. Maximum Computing Power and Cost Factors in the Centralization Problem. Accepted for publication in Communications of tne ACM. (co-author) 11. Natural Laws Controlling Algorithm Structure. SIGPLAN Notices Vol. 6, Mo. 2, Feb. 1972. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1968-69 Refereed papers for: 1. IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers 2. Communications of ACM, Speaker for Indianapolis Campus Computer Workshop, Feb., 1969. Assistance to V. E. Sammet's "Prograrrwuing-Languages: History and Fundamentals", Prentice Hall 1969, noted in acknowledgement. Presented paper on "Analysis or Hardware Change" at INCUM 69 Pannelist, SJCC, 1970 Session Chairman, ACM National Meeting, 1971 Chairman, SIGPLAN Symposium on Languages for System Im- plenentation, Oct. 1971 Member, SIGPLAN Executive Committee, 1971-73 Invited Speaker, Latin American Computing Symposium, Mexico City, Nov. 1970 ----- See also FatherOfDecompilation
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