2nd BElgium Netherlands Workshop on software EVOLution Location: UA, Antwerpen Date: July 8-9, 2004 Sponsors: Lunch and dinner are sponsored by the two flemish science foundations. The Flemish Fund for Scientific Research (FWO) under grant 'Foundations of Software Evolution' and the Flemish Fund for Applied research (IWT) under grant 'Architectural Resources for the Restructuring and Integration of Business Applications (ARRIBA)'. The location is offered by the University of Antwerp.


*Thursday 8 July* * 11:30 - welcome and practical arrangements (Serge Demeyer) * 12:30 - lunch (sandwiches) in student restaurant * 13:30 - start of workshop (Serge Demeyer) A short round of intros for each of the topics by the respective chairman * 15:00 - coffee break * 15:30 - break up in two parallel tracks formal foundations of evolution evolution of legacy systems * 17:00 - end of workshop Take the bus to the hotel + register there * 19:00 - workshop dinner (nearby hotel) + belgian beers *Friday 9 July* * 09:00 - break up in two parallel tracks evolution and AOP quality metrics and refactoring * 10:30 - coffee break * 11:00 - break up in two parallel tracks consistency maintenance programming languages and evolution * 12:30 - lunch (sandwiches) in student restaurant * 13:30 - wrap-up session (Serge Demeyer) * 15:00 - closing of workshop

Participant list with presentations

The following people attended the BenevolTwoThousandFour workshop. Presenters are encouraged to make available their presentations and related papers. *From Belgium* * Alon Amsel, UA * Andy Zaidman, UA * Dirk Deridder, VUB * Dirk Janssens, UA * Filip Van Rysselberghe, UA * Herman Tromp, UG * Niels Van Eetvelde, UA * Peter Ebraert, VUB ([[%ATTACHURL%/peter.pdf][presentation]]) * Pieter Van Gorp, UA - The "Write Once, Deploy N" MDA Case Study (presentation, papers) * Ragnhild Van Der Straeten, VUB ([[%ATTACHURL%/ragnhild.pdf][presentation]]) * Serge Demeyer, UA * [[TomMens][Tom Mens]], UMH ([[%ATTACHURL%/tomm.pdf][presentation]]) * Roel Wuyts, ULB ([[%ATTACHURL%/roel.pdf][presentation]]) * Kris De Schutter, UG ([[%ATTACHURL%/kris.pdf][presentation]]) *From The Netherlands* * Christian Lange, TUE (presentation, homepage (with papers)) * Leon Moonen, Delft University of Technology and CWI * Lars Grunske, CWI * Magiel Bruntink, CWI (homepage (with papers)) * Michel Chaudron, TUE * Ralf Laemmel, CWI (architectural modifications to deployed software, reflective designs in Squeak/Smalltalk, evolution of rule-based programs, Towards an engineering discipline for grammarware) * [[TomTourwe][Tom Tourwe]], CWI ([[%ATTACHURL%/tomt.pdf][presentation]], homepage (with papers))


Important Dates

* Monday,   May 31: Intention to participate * Thursday,  July 8th: First day of the workshop * Friday, July 9th: Final day of the workshop.

About the Organizers

Serge Demeyer
University of Antwerp
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Universiteitsplein 1
B-2610 Wilrijk
[[TomMens][Tom Mens]]
University of Mons-Hainaut
Service de Génie Logiciel
6, Avenue du Champ de Mars
B-7000 Mons
Tom Tourwé
Centrum voor Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI)
The Netherlands
-- Main.TomTourwe, Main.PieterVanGorp - 02 Aug 2004: