ATerm libraries implement the internal representation of the ATerm Format in some programming language and the conversion between the external and the internal representation.

ATerm Library for C

  • Implements garbage collection of ATerms
  • Ensures maximal subterm sharing
  • Supports the efficient Binary ATerm Format (BAF) in which complete sharing of subterms is maintained.

Visit the official homepage for more information and downloads.

ATerm Library for Java

  • Ensures maximal subterm sharing.
  • Does not support the Binary ATerm Format (BAF)

As far as I know there is no offical homepage for the ATerm library for Java. The software can be downloaded from the package base at the CWI. The name of the package is aterm-java.

ATerm Library for Haskell

official homepage


Revision: r1.3 - 08 Feb 2004 - 18:10 - MartinBravenboer
Tools > ATermLibrary
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