Q: How can I stay up to date with what is going on? A: Subscribe yourself to a daily message with pages changed in this wiki web by adding your name to the list in WebNotify. ----- Q: How does this wiki site work? A: See Transform.OneMinuteWiki ---- Q: What is the preferred mode of asking questions? A: Add your question to this page and drop an email to Main.EelcoVisser and Main.EelcoDolstra. If the question is long, it might be a good idea to make it into a wiki name and put the text of the question in the page for that topic. As for example with the following question: ---- Q: HowToInstallTheTigerCompiler ---- Q: HowToTestTheTigerCompiler ---- Q: How can I build the compiler components with only X MB of disk quota? A: Use the /projects/hpc directory. You can make a directory in it for your project. Since it is in project space there are no quota attached. ----- Q: LET/2 does not exist but is referred to in the section about translating strings in [[TAS2IR]]. Can we just replace it with ESEQ/2? A: No, ESEQ has a different meaning. =LET= is defined in module IR, see IntermediateRepresentation. However, it has only been introduced in version 0.2 of the TigerTrans package. -----