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Meta Data Rendering


Meta Data Rendering

Various meta data can be stored in topics - MetaDataDefinition

This is rendered using the %META% variable. This is mostly used in the view, preview and edit scripts.

At present support is fairly basic:

< bgcolor="#f6f6f6"> < bgcolor="#ececec">
Variable usage: Comment: down
options for attachments:
options for parent:
dontrecurse="on" By default recurses up tree, this has some cost
%META{"moved"}% Details of any topic moves
prefix="..." Prefix that goes before parents, but only if there are parents, default ""
seperator="..." Seperator between parents, default is " > "
all="on" Show all attachments i.e. including hidden ones
%META{"attachments"}% Show attachments, excluding hidden ones
%META{"form"}% Show form data, see Form Templates
%META{"parent [options]"}% Show topic parent
suffix="..." Suffix, only appears if there are parents, default ""

Possible future additions:

  • Rendering of form data to alternate formats e.g. bullet lists
  • Specify a template to be used for rendering

-- JohnTalintyre? - 29 Aug 2001