Software Transformation Systems Workshop 2004
STS04 was arranged Sunday, October 24th 2004 as part of Generative Programming and Component Engineering 2004 (GPCE'04), Vancouver, Canada, October 2004. The workshop organisers were
* [[][Magne Haveraaen]], University of Bergen, Norway
* [[][Jim Cordy]], Queen's University, Canada
* [[][Jan Heering]], CWI, Amsterdam, Netherlands
* [[][Ganesh Sittampalam]], Oxford University, UK
The workshop attracted roughly 30 participants. The day was divided into 4 presentation sessions of 1.5 hours and a 1 hour discussion session at the end, giving room for 22 position papers, which were selected from roughly 30 submissions. Each presentation session had 5-6 presentations of 10 minutes each, and 1/2 hour for discussions. The discussions were based on research questions, one posed by each presenter.
The position papers are collected into a pdf file:
Haveraaen, Cordy, Heering, Sittampalam: Position papers from Software Transformation Systems Workshop 2004.
Most of the slides from the individual presentations are available:
* Ira D. Baxter: Program Generation and Modification using Multiple Domains
* Paulo Henrique Monteiro Borba: A Transformation System for Java
* Marat Boshernitsan: Code Generation via Interactive Source-to-Source Transformations
* Thomas Cleenewerck: Invasive Composition by Transformation Systems
* Jim Cordy: Metaprogram Implementation by Second Order Source Transformation
* Anthony Cox: Lexical Source-Code Transformation
* Magne Haveraaen: Source Transformation Systems supporting Software Engineering
* Gorel Hedin: Towards comparing Transformation Systems and Formalisms
* Jan Heering: Generic Software Transformations
* Karl Trygve Kalleberg: Tracing Abstractions through Generation
* Marcelo Sant'Anna: Transformation Circuits: Exploring new Paradigms for Software Transformation Systems
* Shane Sendall: Understanding Model Transformation by Classification and Formalization
* Ganesh Sittampalam: abc: Extending Java to AspectJ
* Tony Sloane: Formal Integration of Generation Tools
* Douglas R. Smith: Requirements and Automated Refinement
* Eric Van Wyk: Semantic Analysis in Software Transformation
* L. Robert Varney: Generative Programming, Interface-Oriented Programming, and Source Transformation Systems
* J.J. Vinju: Combining Formalisms for Software Transformation - ASF+SDF Meta-Environment
* Eelco Visser: Reusable and Adaptive Strategies for Generative Programming
* Hironori Washizaki: Transforming Object-Oriented Programs into Structurally Reusable Components
* David Wile: Transformation Systems for DSLs, Architecture Styles, and Graphical Languages
The day was timetabled as follows:
* 08:30-10:00 session 1: *Sittampalam*, Borba, Kalleberg, Vinju, Visser
* 10:00-10:30 break
* 10:30-12:00 session 2: *Cordy*, Boshernitsan, Parr, Sloane, Smith, Varney
* 12:00-13:00 lunch
* 13:00-14:30 session 3: *Haveraaen*, Baxter, Cleenewerck, Washizaki, Wyk
* 14:30-14:50 break
* 14:50-16:20 session 4: *Heering*, Hedin, Sant'Anna, Sendall, Wile, Cox
* 16:20-16:30 break
* 16:30-17:30 final discussion