----+++ Overview * About the [[StrategoLanguage][Stratego]] transformation language * [[StrategoXT][Stratego/XT]] combines the Stratego language and the [[Tools.WebHome][XT]] tools ----+++ Documentation * [[StrategoDocumentation][Overview]] of the available documentation * [[StrategoPublications][Research papers]] about Stratego/XT * Overview of [[MailingList][mailing lists]] for announcements, questions and discussions ----+++ Download * [[StrategoDownload][Download]] Stratego/XT (GNU LGPL) * [[Additional Package Download][Download]] extension packages ----+++ Developers * Overview of the [[StrategoDev][development]] and maintenance of Stratego/XT * [[Stratego community][Overview of groups and individuals]] working on/with Stratego/XT * [[http://planet.stratego.org][Planet Stratego]]: weblogs of Stratego developers ----+++ Credits * List of people who [[StrategoContributors][contributed]] to Stratego/XT * [[StrategoHistory][History]] of Stratego/XT * [[StrategoSponsors][Sponsors]] * [[StrategoLogo][Logo]] ----+++ Related * Index of other [[Transform.TransformationSystems][transformation systems]]