In meta programming with concrete object syntax the transitions from the meta language to the object language and vice versa are marked by special constructors: meta transition markers. meta explode uses these constructors to determine the object fragments in the abstract syntax tree that have to be exploded to the meta language.

For the embedding of an object language in Stratego the following markers are used:

  • quotation: denoting a transition from the meta language to the object language.
    • ToTerm
    • ToStrategy
    • ToBuild denoting !t

  • antiquotation: denoting a transition from the object language to the meta language.
    • FromTerm
    • FromStrategy
    • FromApp denoting <s>

Revision: r1.1 - 20 Aug 2003 - 07:51 - MartinBravenboer
Stratego > ReleasePlan > ReleasePlan > MetaExplode > MetaTransitionMarker
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