The [[EcmaScript][ECMAScript]] project is a collection of packages that collectively represent a formal specification for the [[EcmaScript][ECMAScript]] Edition 4 programming language (also known as JavaScript 2). It also contains tools for manipulating and transforming [[EcmaScript][ECMAScript]] programs. The design of [[EcmaScript][ECMAScript]] Edition 4 is still ongoing, as is the implementation of these packages, so none of their contents should be considered authoritative at this point. More information about [[EcmaScript][ECMAScript]] Edition 4 is available at: * ---++ Packages The relevant packages are: * [[EcmaScriptFront][ECMAScript-front]] * [[EcmaScriptModel][ECMAScript-model]] ---++ Project Info ---+++ Issue Tracking We use JIRA to keep track of issues. Please report any issues that you encounter! * %ISSUE%/ES ---+++ People Contributors: * [[][Martin Bravenboer]] * [[][Dave Herman]] ---+++ Source The home page for the subversion sources is at: * You can view the sources or check them out via subversion at: * %SVNROOT%/ecmascript You can also view the subversion revision histories at: *