---++ Introduction The SDF2 Bundle is an easy to install collection of packages related to the [[WebHome][SDF2]] syntax definition formalism. The packages are developed at the [[http://www.cwi.nl][CWI]]. The main packages of the SDF2 Bundle are: * [[http://www.cwi.nl/projects/MetaEnv/pgen/][PGEN]] - parser generator for SDF2 * [[http://www.cwi.nl/projects/MetaEnv/sglr/][SGLR]] - parser The bundling related code is maintained by [[Main.MartinBravenboer][Martin Bravenboer]]. The packages themselves are maintained by members of [[http://www.cwi.nl/htbin/sen1/twiki/bin/view/SEN1/WebHome][SEN1 group]] at the CWI in the Netherlands. ---++ Download ---+++ Release The current release of the SDF2 Bundle is * [[Sdf2BundleRelease233][SDF2 Bundle 2.3.3]] Previous releases: * [[Sdf2BundleRelease232][SDF2 Bundle 2.3.2]] * [[Sdf2BundleRelease231][SDF2 Bundle 2.3.1]] * [[Sdf2BundleRelease23][sdf2-bundle 2.3]] * [[Sdf2BundleRelease22][sdf2-bundle 2.2]] * [[Sdf2BundleRelease21][sdf2-bundle 2.1]] * [[Sdf2BundleRelease201][sdf2-bundle 2.0.1]] * [[Sdf2BundleRelease16][sdf2-bundle 1.6]] ---+++ Latest developments The latest developments are available at: * [[http://nix.cs.uu.nl/dist/meta-environment/sdf2-bundle-unstable-latest/][Latest unstable sdf2-bundle]]