The following papers (in no particular order) will be presented at the workshop.

Regular research papers:

  • Torben Mogensen. Partial Evaluation of the Reversible Language Janus

    Abstract: A reversible programming language is a programming language in which you can only write reversible programs, i.e., programs that can be run both forwards (computing outputs from inputs) and backwards (computing inputs from outputs). It is interesting to study reversible programs and languages because computations on reversible computers (computers that only allow reversible programs) in theory can be done using less energy than computations on traditional irreversible computers. Janus is a reversible, structured imperative programming language. The partial evaluator for Janus presented in this paper is believed to be the first partial evaluator for a reversible programming language. The requirement that residual programs must be reversible adds some complications, which we address in the paper.

  • Yuta Ikeda and Susumu Nishimura. Calculating Tree Navigation with Symmetric Relational Zipper

    Abstract: Navigating through tree structures is a core operation in tree processing programs. Most notably, XML processing programs intensively use XPath, the path specification language that locates particular nodes in a given document structure. In functional programming languages, such tree navigation operations can be implemented by means of Huet's zipper, without using destructive updates on the tree structure. The expected natural symmetry, e.g., the symmetry between the operation for going one-level down in the tree structure and that for coming back the other way around, is not a perfect inverse, because those operations cannot be modeled neatly by functional programs due to partiality and non-injectivity.This paper develops a theory for reasoning about equalities of tree navigation operations. We model basic tree navigation operations, which have a perfect symmetry, by relations over zippers. The relational specification allows us to derive equations by simple calculations. We apply the calculational method to derivation of certain equalities of XPath expressions. The point-free relational reasoning not only leads to a concise justification of some known results derived from the symmetry but also establishes equations for a larger class of tree navigation, including those with negative constraints and those beyond XPath expressibility.

  • Enrique Martin-Martin. Type Classes in Functional Logic Programming

    Abstract: Type classes provide a clean, modular and elegant way of writing overloaded functions. Functional logic programming languages(FLP in short) like Toy or Curry have adopted the Damas-Milner type system, so it seems natural to adopt also type classes in FLP.However, type classes has been barely introduced in FLP. A reason for this lack of success is that the usual translation of type classes using dictionaries presents some problems in FLP like the absence of expected answers due to a bad interaction of dictionaries with the call-time choice semantics for non-determinism adopted in FLP systems.In this paper we present a type-passing translation of type classes based on type-indexed functions and type witnesses that is well-typed with respect to a new liberal type system recently proposed for FLP. We argue the suitability of this translation for FLP because it improves the dictionary-based one in in three aspects. First, it obtains programs which run as fast or faster---with a speedup from 1.05 to 2.30 in our experiments. Second, it solves the mentioned problem of missing answers. Finally, the proposed translation generates shorter and simpler programs.

  • Tim Bauer, Martin Erwig, Alan Fern and Jervis Pinto. Adaptation-Based Programming in Java

    Abstract: Writing deterministic programs is often difficult for problems whose optimal solutions depend on unpredictable properties of the programs' inputs.Difficulty is also encountered for problems where the programmer is uncertain about how to best implement certain aspects of a solution. For such problems a mixed strategy of deterministic programming and machine learning can often be very helpful: Initially, define those parts of the program that are well understood and leave the other parts loosely defined through default actions,but also define how those actions can be improved depending on results from actual program runs. Then run the program repeatedly and let the loosely defined parts adapt.In this paper we present a library for Java that facilitates this style of programming, called adaptation-based programming. We motivate the design of the library, define the semantics of adaptation-based programming,and demonstrate through two evaluations that the approach works well in practice.Adaptation-based programming is a form of program generation in which the creation of programs is controlled by previous runs. It facilitates a whole new spectrum of programs between the two extremes of totally deterministic programs and machine learning.

  • Hugo Pacheco and Alcino Cunha. Calculating with Lenses: Optimising Bidirectional Transformations

    Abstract: This paper presents an equational calculus to reason about bidirectional transformations specified in the point-free style. In particular, it focuses on the so-called lenses as a bidirectional idiom,and shows that many standard laws characterising point-free combinators and recursion patterns are also valid on that setting. A key result is that uniqueness also holds for bidirectional folds and unfolds, thus unleashing the power of fusion as a program optimisation technique. A rewriting system for automatic lens optimisation is also presented, thus proving the usefulness of the proposed calculus.

  • Rinus Plasmeijer, Peter Achten, Pieter Koopman, Bas Lijnse, Thomas van Noort and John van Groningen. iTasks for a Change - Type-safe run-time change in dynamically evolving workflows

    Abstract: Workflow management systems (WFMS) are software systems that coordinate the tasks human workers and computers have to perform to achieve a certain goal based on a given workflow description. Due to changing circumstances, it happens often that some tasks in a running workflow need to be performed differently than originally planned and specified. Most commercial WFMSs cannot deal with the required run-time changes properly. These changes have to be specified at the level of the underlying Petri-Net based semantics. Moreover, the implicit external state has to be adapted to the new task as well. Such low-level updates can easily lead to wrong behaviour and other errors. This problem is known as the dynamic change bug. In the iTask WFMS, workflows are specified using a radically different approach: workflows are constructed in a compositional style, using pure functions and combinators as self-contained building blocks. This paper introduces a change concept for the iTask system where self-contained tasks can be replaced by other self-contained tasks, thereby preventing dynamic change bugs. The static and dynamic typing system furthermore guarantees that these tasks have compatible types.

  • Joao Paulo Fernandes, Joao Saraiva, Daniel Seidel and Janis Voigtlander. Strictification of Circular Programs

    Abstract: Circular functional programs (necessarily evaluated lazily) have been used as algorithmic tools, as attribute grammar implementations,and as target for program transformation techniques. Classically,Richard Bird [1984] showed how to transform certain multi-traversal programs (which could be evaluated strictly or lazily) into one-traversal ones using circular bindings. Can we go the other way, even for programs that are not in the image of his technique?That is the question we pursue in this paper. We develop a methodology that on the one hand lets us deal with typical examples corresponding to attribute grammars, but on the other hand also helps to derive new algorithms for problems not previously in reach.

  • Carl Friedrich Bolz, Antonio Cuni, Maciej Fijalkowski, Michael Leuschel, Samuele Pedroni and Armin Rigo. Allocation Removal by Partial Evaluation in a Tracing JIT

    Abstract: The performance of many dynamic language implementations suffers from high allocation rates and runtime type checks. This makes dynamic languages less applicable to purely algorithmic problems, despite their growing popularity. In this paper we present a simple compiler optimization based on online partial evaluation to remove object allocations and runtime type checks in the context of a tracing JIT. We evaluate the optimization using a Python VM and find that it gives good results for all our (real-life) benchmarks.

  • Rafael Caballero. A Program Transformation for Returning States in Functional-Logic Programs

    Abstract: This paper studies the conditions necessary to safely introduce new values as part of the results of function rules in functional-logic programs. The idea is to consider an initial functional-logic program and to produce, by means of a program transformation, a new program including states. Each rule of the new program returns pairs of values, with the first value the same as in the original program, and the second one a new value that can be defined in terms of the values returned by the function calls occurring in the rule. We prove that the transformation ensures the equivalence of the two programs with respect to the constructor-based ReWriting? Logic, a suitable semantics for functional-logic programs.

  • Dimitrios Vardoulakis and Olin Shivers. Ordering Multiple Continuations on the Stack

    Abstract: Passing multiple continuation arguments to a function in CPS form allows one to encode a wide variety of direct-style control constructs, such as conditionals, exceptions, and multi-return function calls. We show that, with a simple syntactic restriction on the CPS language, one can prove that these multi-continuation arguments can be compiled into stack frames in the traditional manner. The restriction comes with no loss in expressive power, since we can still encode the same control mechanisms.In addition, we show that tail calls can be generalized efficiently for many continuations because the run-time check to determine which continuation to pop to can be avoided with a simple static analysis. A prototype implementation shows that our analysis is very precise, with small additional cost in compilation time.

  • Olaf Chitil. A Semantics for Lazy Assertions

    Abstract: Lazy functional programming languages need lazy assertions to ensure that assertions preserve the meaning of programs. Examples in this paper demonstrate that previously proposed lazy assertions nonetheless break basic semantic equivalences, because they include a non-deterministic disjunction combinator. The objective of this paper is to determine "correct" definitions for lazy assertions. The starting point is our formalisation of basic properties such as laziness, taking them as axioms of our design space. We develop the first denotational semantics for lazy assertions where assertions denote subdomains. We define a weak disjunction combinator and together with a conjunction combinator assertions form a bounded distributive lattice. From the established laws we derive an efficient prototype implementation of lazy assertions for Haskell as a library.

  • Peter A. Jonsson and Johan Nordlander. Taming Code Explosion in Supercompilation

    Abstract: Supercompilation algorithms can perform great optimizations but sometimes suffer from the problem of code explosion. This results in huge binaries which might hurt the performance on a modern processor. We present a supercompilation algorithm that is fast enough to speculatively supercompile expressions and discard the result if it turned out bad. This allows us to supercompile large parts of the imaginary and spectral parts of nofib in a matter of seconds while keeping the binary size increase below 5%.

  • Jacques Carette, Mustafa Elsheikh and Spencer Smith. A Generative Geometric Kernel

    Abstract: We present the design and implementation of a generative geometric kernel. The kernel generator is generic, type-safe, parametrized by many design-level choices and extensible. The resulting code has minimal traces of the design abstractions. We achieve genericity through a layered design deriving concepts from affine geometry, linear algebra and abstract algebra. We achieve parametrization and type-safety by using OCaml's module system, including higher order modules. The cost of abstraction is removed by using MetaOCaml?'s support for code generation coupled with some annotations atop the code type.

  • Yan Wang and Veronica Gaspes. An Embedded Language for Programming Protocol Stacks in Embedded Systems

    Abstract: Protocol stack specifications are well-structured documents that follow a number of conventions and notations that have proven very useful for the design and dissemination of communication protocols.Protocol stack implementations on the other hand, are done in low-level languages, using error-prone programming techniques resulting in programs that are difficult to relate to the specifications,difficult to maintain, modify, extend and reuse. To overcome these problems we propose a domain-specific language that provides abstractions close to the notations used in protocol specifications.From descriptions in our language we generate C programs that can be integrated with other systems software. The language provides constructs to describe packet formats, including physical layout, constraints and dependencies. It also provides constructs for state machines and for layering protocols into stacks. Experiments show that the C programs we generate are comparable in performance and binary size to hand-crafted C programs.

Tool demonstration papers:

  • Elvira Albert, Richard Bubel, Samir Genaim, Reiner Hahnle, German Puebla and Guillermo Roman Diez. Verified Resource Guarantees using COSTA and KeY

    Abstract: Resource guarantees allow being certain that programs will run within the indicated amount of resources, which may refer to memory consumption, number of instructions executed, etc. This information can be very useful, especially in real-time and safety-critical applications. Nowadays, a number of automatic tools exist, often based on type systems or static analysis, which produce such resource guarantees. In spite of being based on theoretically sound techniques, the implemented tools may contain bugs which render the resource guarantees thus obtained not completely trustworthy. Performing full-blown verification of such tools is a daunting task, since they are large and complex. In this work we investigate an alternative approach whereby, instead of the tools, we formally verify the results of the tools. We have implemented this idea using COSTA, a state-of-the-art static analysis system, for producing resource guarantees and KeY?, a state-of-the-art verification tool, for formally verifying the correctness of such resource guarantees. Our preliminary results show that the proposed tool cooperation can be used for automatically producing verified resource guarantees.

Revision: r1.11 - 29 Nov 2010 - 19:36 - JeremySiek
PEPM12 > AcceptedPapers
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