OK, I have to ask this now. Should my home page (MikeVanEmmerik) be in web Main or web Transform? Everyone elses seems to have been created in Transform, but when I registered (just after the Sep 2001 upgrade), I ended up in Main. It seems to be a nuisance; I have to call myself Main.MikeVanEmmerik, and I can't seem to become a member of Transform.CategoryPeople. If I need to move, is there an easy way to do this? -- Main.MikeVanEmmerik - Tue, 27 Nov 2001 The problem is caused by the way TWiki deals with user registrations. When registering as a _user_ in TWiki.TWikiRegistration the registration script creates a new page in the Main web. Registration will fail when a page with the user name already exists, since it will assume that the user registered before. On the other hand we want to create pages _about_ people in the Transform.ProgramTransformation field. If we would put these pages in the Main web they would not be able to join the twiki as a user later. The list in Transform.CategoryPeople only contains =CategoryPeople= pages in the Transform web. This could be improved. The current approach is to put a page in the Transform web as well and let that one point to your Main page. -- Main.EelcoVisser - 27 Nov 2001
------ Transform.CategoryWiki