Main Web
Program-Transformation.Org is dedicated to collecting, organizing and disseminating information about all aspects of [[Transform.ProgramTransformation][program transformation]]. The site is based on TWiki, a tool for web collaboration wich makes it possible for anyone with a browser to contribute to this site. Read the TWiki.TWikiTutorial to learn about TWiki.
----+++ Roadmap
----+++ Wiki
This site is based on TWiki, a powerful clone of the original wiki. Before starting to contribute to this site it is probably a good idea to find out how TWiki works:
* Transform.OneMinuteWiki: wiki in one minute
* TWiki.TWikiTutorial: TWiki in 20 minutes
* SandBox: try out editing wiki pages
TWiki just provides the technology for building a collaborative website. How it is put to use is up to its users. Since this is a new medium and many different people contribute, it makes sense to discuss the style to use in writing pages for this site. This web is the place for doing that. If you have questions or remarks about style or policy, feel free to add a topic to the list below.
* TWikiUsers: editors of the site
* BecomingAnEditor
* TWiki.TWikiRegistration
* UseCategories
* Transform.CategoryWiki: the category of pages about wiki
* Transform.TurnIssuesIntoTopics
* IdealTopicSize
* Transform.PageLayout
* WhereToPutMyHomePage
* BookmarkingTWikiPages
Improving and extending the wiki
* Transform.TodoList
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