Strategies for Program Transformation

An Introduction to Program Transformation with Stratego/XT


Eelco Visser



------------------- The complete draft book is now available as a single PDF file. We have also started developing an online manual. See the strategoxt-manual project at ------------------- * [[WebHome][Cover]] * [[About this book]] * [[Table of Contents]] * [[WebNews][News]] * MailingList ------------------- ---------+++ Copying and Citing copyright © 2003,2004 [[][Eelco Visser]] The book chapters that are published here are intended to provide an overview of the main ideas behind the Stratego language and XT toolset. Since the current version is a draft, it should not be considered as the definitive source about Stratego/XT. The copyright is with the author, Eelco Visser. The book chapters password protected and are available on request ( Re-distribution of material published here is not allowed. When referring to the website use the following URL: * When referring to Stratego/XT in publications, please refer to the relevant [[Stratego.StrategoPublications][published papers]]. Good general references are '[[Stratego.Building Program Optimizers with Rewriting Strategies][Building Program Optimizers with Rewriting Strategies]]' and '[[Stratego.Program Transformation with StrategoXT][Program Transformation with StrategoXT]]'. When citing the book in a publication use the following Stratego.BibTeX entry: @Book{SPT, author = {Eelco Visser}, title = {Strategies for Program Transformation. {An} Introduction to Program Transformation with Stratego/XT}, year = 2003, note = {}, url = {} }