-----------------------++ Introduction [ [[TableOfContents][Previous]] | [[TableOfContents][Up]] | [[ChapterProgramRepresentation][Next]] ] --------+++ Contents %STARTINCLUDE% * [[Chapter Program Transformation]] * [[Chapter Program Transformation Systems]] * [[Chapter Strategies for Program Transformation A Roadmap]] %STOPINCLUDE% -------+++ Introduction This introductory part provides a global overview of the field of program transformation. [[Chapter Program Transformation]] introduces a taxonomy of applications of program transformation illustrated with many example transformations. [[Chapter Program Transformation Systems]] discusses the requirements for and issues in the realization of program transformation systems. [[Chapter Strategies for Program Transformation A Roadmap][Chapter Roadmap]] provides a roadmap for the rest of the book. --------+++ Preprint * [[%BOOKURL%/Part-I.pdf][Part-I.pdf]]