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On the first day, you need to install Eclipse and the Spoofax language workbench. Installation We highly recommend to work with a fresh Eclipse installation. You may ...
On the third day, you define the concrete and abstract syntax for the !MiniJava language. Syntax Definition You should build the syntax definition step by step. As ...
On the last day of the first part, you will add pretty-printing and syntactic editor services to your !MiniJava editor. Pretty Print Tables The Box Text Formatting ...
On the fifth day, you should specify test cases for the static analysis of !MiniJava programs. Initial Project You should start the second milestone from a new initial ...
On the first day of the second part, you will learn the concepts of Stratego step by step in a little tutorial about refactorings. A Simple Rewrite Rule and Strategy ...
At the sixth day, you need to define rewrite rules for desugaring, type projection, and type constraints for !MiniJava. Desugaring A uniform representation of unary ...
It is important that you run Eclipse 3.7 with an unstable built of Spoofax. All other combinations are likely not to work. Before you start this assignment, you need ...
Abstract : Smooth integration of domain-specific languages into a general purpose host language requires absorbing of domain code written in arbitrary syntax. The ...

Number of topics: 8