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Results from Transform web
Homepage: Workshop on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages Deadline: October 10 Workshop: March
Homepage: Symposium on Programs as Data Objects Deadline: November Symposium: May
Homepage: A Parallel Language for Symbolic Expression Designed to support irregular parallel computations, ...
ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT Workshop on ProgramAnalysis for Software Tools and Engineering 2002: 2001: http://www.infosun.fmi.uni ...
Programmer Assistant for Transforming Haskell A system for transformation of HaskellLanguage programs by MarkTullsen.
PCCTS is the Purdue Compiler Construction Tool Set of TerenceParr that contains ANTLR and SORCERER.
Commercial tool. From the web page: PE Explorer is a tool for inspecting and editing the inner workings of Windows 32-bit executable files: EXE, DLL, OCX, and several ...
Homepages: 2004: 2003: 2002: 2000 ...
Homepage: 2005 : Programming Language Design and Implementation Deadline: November ...
Principles, Logics, and Implementations of high-level programming languages Submissions: March Conference: October Main conferences: ICFP, PPDP 2002: http://pli2002 ...
Homepage: Principles of Programming Languages Deadline: July Conference: January 2002: ...
The International Conference on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming Deadline: March Conference: September PLI ...
PREA Panel on Reverse Engineering and Architectural evolution Co-located with CSMR 2002 Tuesday 12 March 2002, 14:00 16:00 ReverseEngineering is the process of recovering ...
PROSPECTRA is the acronym for PROgram development by SPECification and TRAnsformation In the methodology of PROgram development by SPECification and TRAnsformation ...
Name Package name. Description Package description. Components List of components of the package. Documentation for these components can be formatted according to ...
Is it true that people find the current layout too full? Main.ArieVanDeursen The new layout only has a sidebar for navigation. Is this satisfactory? Main.EelcoVisser ...
Resources for programming for the PalmOS. Main.EelcoVisser 01 Aug 2002 Brian's Pilot Software Page
Homepage: Pan is a functional language for image manipulation designed by ConalElliott. ConalElliott and OegeDeMoor describe an implementation ...
Homepage: Pancito is a HaskellLanguage library for image manipulation created by AndrewCooke based ...
Panos Linos Home page: CategoryPeople
Parallel Application Software on High Performance Computers. Survey of Parallel Performance Tools and Debuggers. by R. J. Allan, J. Heggarty, M. Goodman and R. R ...
Parallel Application Software on High Performance Computers. Survey of Parallel Performance Tools and Debuggers. by R. J. Allan, J. Heggarty, M. Goodman and R. R ...
A parse tree is a tree representation of the result of parsing a list of characters. A real parse tree contains the full inputstream. It then allows a yield operation ...
Partial evaluation is a ProgramOptimization technique in which a program is specialized to a part of the input that is known statically (at specialization time). Partial ...
Homepage: Stratego.WarmFusionInStratego Stratego.HSX Stratego.FusingLogicAndControl CategoryPeople
Pattern By Example (PBE) provides a mechanism to implement code patterns for any target language instead of applying the same theoretical concepts again and again ...
Resources Pattern Matching Pointers : Definition Term pattern matching comes in many variations. The basic problem ...
Homepage: EclipseLanguage RuleBasedProgramming CategoryPeople
Homepage: ASFandSDF SoftwareImprovementGroup CategoryPeople
PC Executable Format Format of EXEC parameter block for AL 00h,01h,04h: Offset Size Description (Table 0877) 00h WORD segment of environment to copy for child process ...
Can be downloaded from a link near the top of An In-Depth Look into the Win32 Portable Executable File Format, Part 2. Self-extracting zipped file which contains a ...
I'm Peggy! I'm interested in SoftwareVisualization SoftwareArchitecture InformationVisualization
Pennington Systems Incorporated was founded in 1977 to create and market systems software. Our main product is XTRAN, an expert system for manipulating computer languages ... CategoryPeople
Homepage: ActionSemantics CategoryPeople
Homepage: DeForestation CategoryPeople
Homepage: MontagesFramework GemMex CategoryPeople
Homepage: people?ID 147 Tools.ATermLibrary CategoryPeople
The PILER Decompilation System TOC The PILER decompilation system is documented in Barb74 . However, this document is probably only available in Microfiche form, ...
Playing by the Rules: Rewriting as an Optimization Technique in GHC by SimonPeytonJones, AndrewTolmach and TonyHoare, In Proceedings of the 2001 Haskell Workshop ...
Extensible Compiler Framework Website: Polyglot is a Java class library that is easily extended through inheritance to ...
PPG is a parser generator for extensible grammars, based on the CUP parser generator. It provides the ability to extend an existing base language grammar written in ...
Homepage: (Dead link, possible substitution: Popart provides ...
PBS: The Portable Bookshelf Introduction The Software Bookshelf is a web-based paradigm for the presentation and navigation of information representing large software ... PortAsm is a tool which translates assembly language source written for one processor into assembler source for another ...
The mother of all wiki's. See
Frank Tip, Chris Laffra, Peter F. Sweeny, David Streeter. Practical Experience with an Application Extractor for Java . In Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Conference ...
Practical Reusable UNIX Software Krishnamurthy (editor) John Wiley Sons, 1995. Book about a collection of software from AT T Research Labs including AcaCia / CIAO ...
Practical Software Maintenance: Best Practices for Managing your Software Investment by Tom Pigoski, John Wiley, 1997. Text book on SoftwareMaintenance, with strong ...
Homepage: CategoryPeople
Pretty-printing is mapping a structured (tree) representation of a program to a textual representation of that program in such a way that resulting program is readable ... ProView is a Pentium disassembler, PE (Windows Binary) editor, hex rditor, process manager, and it has a Plugin SDK. The whole ...
The idea is to find what procedures (functions, methods) call each other the most, and keep those near each other (in terms of virtual address). This maximizes the ...
With this technique, procedures are split into two parts, the main part (predicted to be executed frequently), and the "fluff" (code such as error recovery that is ...
ProgramAnalysis is the (automated) inspection of a program to infer some property. Program analysis is needed for most kinds of ProgramTransformation and can range ...
A methodology for deriving implementations from specifications. See also synthesis, refinement, Meertens Formalism. Main.EelcoVisser 01 Apr 2002
Compilation is a form of synthesis in which a program in a high-level language is transformed to machine code. This translation is usually achieved in several phases ...
See ProgramUnderstanding CategoryProgramUnderstanding
Program Comprehension Risks and Opportunities in Extreme Programming ArieVanDeursen , CWI, May 2001. Proceedings WCRE 2001, IEEE Computer Society. Abstract We investigate ...
See ProgramComprehensionRisksAndOpportunitiesInXP
Program derivation is a kind of ProgramTransformation in which an (efficient) implementation is derived from a (high-level) specification. If the specification can ...
The email list is described at: This list is used for discussions on GenerativeProgramming, and postings of calls for papers for ...
by Main.CraigCleaveland Prentice-Hall, 2001 CategoryGenerativeProgrammingWiki CategoryBook Main.CraigCleaveland 02 May 2002
Program migration is a ProgramTransformation aimed at adapting a program to a new (or old) version of the language. See also SoftwareMaintenance Where does this definition ...
A normalization reduces a program to a program in a sub-language, with the purpose of decreasing its syntactic complexity. Desugaring is a kind of normalization in ...
Obfuscation is a ProgramTransformation that makes a program harder to understand by renaming variables, inserting dead code, etc. Obfuscation is done to hide the business ...
ProgramOptimization is a kind of ProgramTransformation aimed at improving the time or memory performance of a program. CompilationByTransformation makes heavy use ...
TransformationSystems usually work on tree of graph structured ProgramRepresentations. A parser analyzes the syntactic structure of a program text and produces a structured ...
Definition Refactoring is typically applied at the level of programs (i.e., source code). A program refactoring is a program transformation that improves the design ...
ProgramRefinement is a special case of ProgramSynthesis in which an (efficient) implementation is derived from a high-level specification such that the implementation ...
Programs can be represented in various ways in ProgramTransformationTools. AbstractSyntaxTree DirectedAcyclicGraph Graph Objects Particularly important/problematic ...
ProgramSpecialization is used where a variable is known to often hold one particular value. In this case, it is possible to generate code taking advantage of this ...
Program synthesis is the derivation of a program from a specification. When the synthesis is done according to semantically correct TransformationRules the resulting ...
(See also ModelTransformation ) A Definition A program is a structured object with semantics. The structure allows us to transform a program. The semantics gives us ...
ProgramTransformationOrg was set up by EelcoVisser. Contributions are welcome. is dedicated to collecting, organizing and disseminating information about all aspects of ProgramTransformation. The site is completely ... The domain is hosted by Universiteit Utrecht and managed by EelcoVisser. The ...
See TheOnlineSurveyOfProgramTransformation
Wiki Technology What is a good way to collect bibliographical information in a WikiWikiWeb? JoostVisser: One way to do it is to have one wiki page per publication ...
Description This page discusses terminology, principles, and issues concerning tools for ProgramTransformation. Principles ProgramTransformationTools have much in ...
Homepage: Program Transformation Workshop
The UVicReverseEngineeringTutorial defines program understanding as The task of building mental models of the underlying software at various abstraction levels, ranging ...
Repository of program understanding tools set up by KennyWong. Unfortunately not a very active site: it contains five tools ...
This is a collection of links to programming environments, either specific to a language or platform, or generic; either integrated or composed of command-line tools ...
Here is a list of programming languages and DataFormats that could be subject of ProgramTransformation BETA BibTeX CAML CProgrammingLanguage CleanLanguage COBOL CPP ...
Homepage: The Programming Tools Group at Oxford University CategoryGroup
Anyone welcome to participate! Issues Ensure that all pages are reachable by google. LoginShouldBeSimple InvitedAuthors Announce on various email / news groups Present ...
Homepage: Prop is a multiparadigm extension of C++, and is designed for building high performance compiler and language transformation ...
This page lists some publications on, or strongly related to, GenerativeProgramming. For a full list of publications discussed on this wiki, have a look at CategoryPaper ...
Description Puma Grosch91 is the program transformation generator of the Coctail compiler toolkit. A Puma specification specifies a transformation of an abstract ...
The decompyle service decompiles Python byte-code (in .pyc or .pyo files) into python source code. It may be possible to license the decompiler for unlimited corporate ...

Number of topics: 93