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Decompilation is a ProgramTransformation by which a high-level source code for an executable program is discovered. Decompilation is the inverse of ProgramCompilation ...
This information is pieced together from a few sources. I hope it is still accurate. In about 1985, Jim Reuter wrote decomp, a decompiler for the Vax BSD 4.2 (a.out ...
Raimar Falke's Diploma Thesis is written in German. For English readers, I have translated the final section using Google's translation facility and some hand editing ...
History of Decompilation (1960-1979) Decompilers have been written for a variety of applications since the development of the first compilers. The very first decompiler ...
History of Decompilation (2000-present) #TopicAsm21toc University of London's Asm21toc reverse compiler, 2000. This assembly language decompiler for Digital Signal ...

Number of topics: 5