Searched: CIAO[^A-Za-z]
Results from Transform web
Acacia, the C++ Information Abstraction System, is a collection of analysis and ReverseEngineering tools for CPP developed by AT T . CCia creates a program database ...
CIAO is a customizable and extensible navigator developed by AT T . It allows users to query, analyze, visualize, and track structures of various software and document ...
C++ is an object-oriented extension of CProgrammingLanguage. Transformation of C++ programs is supported by AcaCia / CIAO OpenCpp Stratego.CodeBoost DMSSoftwareReengineeringToolkit ...
About the language The C Programming Language, Second Edition Brian Kernighan Dennis M. Ritchie Compilers Tools for transformation of C programs ...
Practical Reusable UNIX Software Krishnamurthy (editor) John Wiley Sons, 1995. Book about a collection of software from AT T Research Labs including AcaCia / CIAO ...

Number of topics: 5