Searched: CPP[^A-Za-z]
Results from Transform web
Acacia, the C++ Information Abstraction System, is a collection of analysis and ReverseEngineering tools for CPP developed by AT T . CCia creates a program database ...
T. B. Dinesh, MagneHaveraaen, and JanHeering, An algebraic programming style for numerical software and its optimization, Scientific Programming , 8(4), 2000. 247 ...
TOC Hello release From Boomerang's test/windows/hello release.exe (I had to force the entry point): Original source code: LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT ...
CIAO is a customizable and extensible navigator developed by AT T . It allows users to query, analyze, visualize, and track structures of various software and document ...
C++ is an object-oriented extension of CProgrammingLanguage. Transformation of C++ programs is supported by AcaCia / CIAO OpenCpp Stratego.CodeBoost DMSSoftwareReengineeringToolkit ...
About the language The C Programming Language, Second Edition Brian Kernighan Dennis M. Ritchie Compilers Tools for transformation of C programs ...
Offers CodeBeamer, a product for browsing, understanding, reengineering Java and C++ systems. CategoryCompany
Examples of object-oriented programming languages are Simula67 BETA CPP JavaLanguage CategoryLanguage
Open C++ is a version of CPP with the Metaobject Protocol providing reflection capabilities. The programmer who want to use Open C++ writes a meta-level program, which ...
Here is a list of programming languages and DataFormats that could be subject of ProgramTransformation BETA BibTeX CAML CProgrammingLanguage CleanLanguage COBOL CPP ... Distributes analysis tools for the COBOL, PL/I, CPP, and Ada. Analsyis includes standards conformance checking, automated modifications, metrics ...
SORCERER is the tree parser generator of ANTLR. Papers TerenceParr. Language Translation Using PCCTS and CPP. A Reference Guide. Automata Publishing Company, San Jose ...
There are many TransformationSystems available. This page contains an ordering of these systems by paradigm. TermRewriting Systems based on pure TermRewriting define ...

Number of topics: 13