Searched: De *Forestation[^A-Za-z]
Results from Transform web
Deforestation is a ProgramTransformation that eliminates intermediate data-structures (trees). The technique was invented by PhilipWadler for optimization of functional ...
PhilipWadler. Deforestation: Transforming Programs to Eliminate Trees. European Symposium on Programming (ESOP'88) , Nancy, France. Lecture Notes in Computer Science ...
Homepage: DeForestation CategoryPeople
ProgramOptimization is a kind of ProgramTransformation aimed at improving the time or memory performance of a program. CompilationByTransformation makes heavy use ...
(supervised compilation) A ProgramOptimization technique, due to ValentinTurchin and colleagues, a source-to-souce ProgramTransformation (rephrasings), more powerful ...
Ingredients of a Course on Transformation What should a good course on transformation offer? Existing Courses about Transformation A list of courses with transformation ...

Number of topics: 6