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The idea is to position the basic blocks of a procedure in such a way that most executions of the code will fall through branches (forward branches are typically predicted ...
Binary Optimisers are sometimes called "Post Link optimisers". These products can be viewed as "X to X binary translators". Another name is Binary Rewriting systems ...
CodeCompaction is a class of ProgramOptimizations that reduce the size of a program. This is especially important for embedded software that is used on devices with ...
Code generation (also called selection) is a transformation performed in the back-ends of compilers. At this state of compilation representation expressions are transformed ...
In the paradigm of Compilation by Transformation many aspects of compilation are implemented as a series of simple ProgramTransformations on the source code or intermediate ...
Deforestation is a ProgramTransformation that eliminates intermediate data-structures (trees). The technique was invented by PhilipWadler for optimization of functional ...
See CodeGeneration Main.EelcoVisser 08 Jan 2002 CategoryTransformation ProgramOptimization
Kinds of loop optimizations LoopFusion LoopDistribution Systems and compilers that implement loop optimizations SUIF
Definition Program transformation is the act of changing one program into another. The term program transformation is also used for a program, or any other description ...
Partial evaluation is a ProgramOptimization technique in which a program is specialized to a part of the input that is known statically (at specialization time). Partial ...
The idea is to find what procedures (functions, methods) call each other the most, and keep those near each other (in terms of virtual address). This maximizes the ...
With this technique, procedures are split into two parts, the main part (predicted to be executed frequently), and the "fluff" (code such as error recovery that is ...
ProgramAnalysis is the (automated) inspection of a program to infer some property. Program analysis is needed for most kinds of ProgramTransformation and can range ...
Compilation is a form of synthesis in which a program in a high-level language is transformed to machine code. This translation is usually achieved in several phases ...
ProgramOptimization is a kind of ProgramTransformation aimed at improving the time or memory performance of a program. CompilationByTransformation makes heavy use ...
ProgramSpecialization is used where a variable is known to often hold one particular value. In this case, it is possible to generate code taking advantage of this ...
(See also ModelTransformation ) A Definition A program is a structured object with semantics. The structure allows us to transform a program. The semantics gives us ...
A translator (typically a compiler) which performs its transformations before the program is run. Usually, the translator is unaware of any dynamic aspects of the ...
(supervised compilation) A ProgramOptimization technique, due to ValentinTurchin and colleagues, a source-to-souce ProgramTransformation (rephrasings), more powerful ...
A function call as the last action of function body can be optimized by overwriting the stack frame of the caller. The callee returns directly to the caller of its ...
Tail recursion elimination is a special case of call elimination in which the tail call is a call to the function itself. In that case the call can be replaced by ...
ProgramTransformation techniques are used in a many areas of SoftwareEngineering ranging from ProgramSynthesis, via ProgramOptimization and ProgramRefactoring, to ...
Application Areas Compiling ProgramTranslation ProgramOptimization SoftwareEngineering ProgramRefinement SoftwareMaintenance ReverseEngineering HighPerformanceComputing ...
A ProgramTransformation paradigm is an area of application of TransformationTechniques. Paradigms that are employed in compilers and other automatic language processors ...
An overview of various forms of ProgramTransformation. Translation ProgramMigration ProgramSynthesis ProgramRefinement ProgramCompilation ReverseEngineering DeCompilation ...
Russian philosopher-scientist, developer of REFAL language and SuperCompilation, a ProgramOptimization technique. See Main.MaD ...
INCLUDE{WebNews} transformation techniques are used in a many areas of engineering ranging from synthesis, via optimization and refactoring, to engineering and generation ...

Number of topics: 27