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The DeCompilation Wiki pages are a part of the program transformation Wiki. They are based on Cifuentes' decompilation pages (1998 2001), which were based on pages ...
Cristina Cifuentes DeCompilation ProgramSlicing LegalIssues CategoryPeople
Several papers covering DSL design issues such as DomainEngineering are discussed in the DSLAnnotatedBibliography. This page contains several DSLBibliographyAdditions ...
dcc is a research decompiler, written as a proof of concept for Cifuentes' PhD thesis. A complete distribution of dcc (executable, source, tools to generate signatures ...
The Father of Decompilation ATTACHURL /maury.jpg \ ATTACHURL /maurysig.jpg Permission Requested. IEEE Transactions of Software Engineering. \ Figure courtesy of Bill ...
This is my idea of how I would write a general decompiler: 1.Lets assume, we start with the assembler output of the disassemblers, which already contain the proper ...
History of Decompilation (1960-1979) Decompilers have been written for a variety of applications since the development of the first compilers. The very first decompiler ...
History of Decompilation (1980-1999) See also On the Inverse of Compiling, April 1980. #TopicZebra Zebra, 1981 The Zebra prototype was developed at the Naval Underwater ...
Legal aspects of ReverseEngineering can be complicated. CristinaCifuentes has collected some information on (now somewhat ...
New-style EXE Format An executable (.EXE) file for the Windows operating system contains a combination of code and data or a combination of code, data, and resources ... derived/home.htm cmp indust110 bnr.gif The IEEE TCSE Committee on ReverseEngineering and ReEngineering This committee, chaired by CristinaCifuentes ...

Number of topics: 11