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Results from Tiger web
The diagram below depicts the data flow in the TigerCompiler for the HpcProject. Red edges denote the data flow of the compiler. Green edges denote data flow in the ...
The Tiger in Stratego is divided into several packages, in order to make it easier to distribute only parts of the compiler and to add new components. Languages Front ...
The TigerCompiler consists of four CompilerPackages. Download each of these packages. Installing Tools.XT To use the TigerCompiler packages you need an installation ...
There are a bunch of test cases in the xmpl subdirectory of the TigerXmpl package. After you have built the TigerCompiler or just some of its CompilerPackages, you ...
The to ASM package implements selection for the representation of the compiler. IR2ASM instruction selection for MIPS architecture CallerSavedRegisters
IntermediateRepresentation is an abstract machine language that abstracts from the details of both source and target languages. The definition of the IntermediateRepresentation ...
To finish the HpcProject submit distributions of all CompilerPackages that you have changed to implement the TigerCompiler. Notes Use make dist to create a distribution ...
The Tiger compiler compiles Tiger programs to MIPS assembly code, which can be simulated by the Simulator. The compiler is the main product of the Tiger in Stratego ...
The to IR package specifies the translation from TigerAbstractSyntax to IntermediateRepresentation. TigerVarEscapes: escaping variables analysis TAS2IR: translation ...
The TigerXML package provides an extension of the language with embedded XML syntax and a preprocessor, which translates Tiger programs with XML elements to plain ...
The TigerXmpl package provides a directory with example Tiger programs and a makefile for testing the various TigerCompiler components. The makefile imports make-rules ...
Tiger in Stratego An Experiment in Compilation by Transformation Tiger in Stratego is a framework for implementing a compiler for the language in the program transformation ...
Tiger in Stratego WebHome Compiler Architecture Packages Components Glossary Download
2002-09-15 New organization of the TigerCompiler and specification of many components using concrete Tiger syntax, which makes specifications much more readable. ...
Statistics for TWiki.Tiger Web Month: Topic Views: Topic Saves: Attachment Uploads: Most Popular Topic Views: Top Contributors for Topic Save and Uploads: Feb 2008 ...

Number of topics: 15