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Results from Stratego web
Ideas for improving the error reporting of the StrategoCompiler. Feel free to add more ideas. check import graph: operators used in a module should be visible through ...
A tuple is a term of the form (t1,...,tn) . In pre- StrategoRelease07 versions of Stratego this was syntactic sugar for TCons(t1,...,TCons(tn,TNil)) . The idea behind ...
This page provides the tentative scheduling for future releases of StrategoXT. See PastReleases for an overview of the development of StrategoXT. Note that except ...
Second Stratego Users Day February 8, 2001, Universiteit Utrecht Program 10:00 coffee 10:15 opening Session 1: Language Design (chair Main ...
Utrecht University, Friday May 3, 2002 Stratego is a language for program transformation based on the paradigm of rewriting strategies. The language is being used ...
On May 3, 2002 the ThirdStrategoUsersDay was held at Utrecht University. During the day seven presentations about features or applications of Stratego were given. ...
Things to do are now tracked in our issue tracking system: Issues in our issue tracking system Old to do items There are many ways in which to improve and extend the ...
Currently Stratego is very weakly typed. The reason for the weak type system is that it is not clear how to combine strong typing with generic traversals and transformations ...
2004-02-25 Nemerle is a new hybrid (functional, object-oriented and imperative) programming language for the .NET platform. Key features of the language include: ...

Number of topics: 9