=sortrsf= is a command line program that is part of the RigiSystem. If your Rigi environment is setup: * documentation is located at =$RIGI/doc/rigiutils/sortrsf.html= * executable is located at =$RIGI/bin/sortrsf= This tool is part of =rigiutils=, see RigiReleases. Actually, =sortrsf= and HtmlRSF are mostly equivalent in functionality, except for htmlrsf's ability to create HTML files. --- Typical usage scenarios: To transform a file from 4-tuple unstructured RSF to (3-tuple) unstructured RSF: * =sortrsf < in.rsf > out.rsf= (As a side effect, the file gets sorted and duplicate entries get reomoved!) To sort a 4-tuple unstructured RSF (and to keep the format): * =sortrsf -4 < in.rsf > out.rsf= --- CategoryRigi