The SEN1 research group at CWI works on the following SoftwareRenovation topics: * DocumentationGeneration for COBOL systems * ArchitectureExtraction * Type inferencing for LegacySystems * ProgramTransformations * Abstract syntax tree analysis and traversal with [[Tools.JJForester]] * ASFandSDF * IslandGrammars People involved include: * MarkVanDenBrand * ArieVanDeursen * Eva van Emden * Hayco de Jong * MerijnDeJonge * PaulKlint * TobiasKuipers (now at the SoftwareImprovementGroup) * LeonMoonen * JurgenVinju * JoostVisser ---- See also (yes, a Twiki!) ---- CategoryGroup | CategoryReverseEngineering | Contributions by ArieVanDeursen