I found this sample program in a page called Sample gtk# applications. The program is already compiled (possibly with a now-obsolete version of the Microsoft C# compiler), but this is a non-Mono executable that should decompile readily.

Source code:

// ImageViewer.cs: A Image Viewer written in C#
// Author: Duncan Mak  (duncan@ximian.com)
// Copyright (C) 2002, Ximian. Inc.

using Gtk;
using Gdk;
using GtkSharp;
using Gdk.Imaging;
using System;

public class ImageViewer {

    static Gtk.Window window = null;
    static Gtk.FileSelection selections = null;
    static Gtk.Image image = null;
    static Gtk.Dialog about = null;

    public static void Main (string [] args)
        if (args.Length <= 0) {
            Console.WriteLine ("\nUSAGE: ImageViewer.exe \n");

        string filename = args [0];
        Application.Init ();
        window = new Gtk.Window ("Image Viewer");
        window.SetDefaultSize (200, 200);

        window.DeleteEvent += new EventHandler (Window_Delete);

        Gtk.ScrolledWindow scrolled_window = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow (
new Adjustment (IntPtr.Zero), new Adjustment (IntPtr.Zero));

        Gtk.VBox vbox = new VBox (false, 2);
        Gtk.VBox menubox = new VBox (false, 0);

        // Pack menubar
        MenuBar mb = new MenuBar ();

        Menu file_menu = new Menu ();
        MenuItem exit_item = new ImageMenuItem (
"gtk-close", new Gtk.AccelGroup (IntPtr.Zero));
        MenuItem open_item = new ImageMenuItem (
"gtk-open", new Gtk.AccelGroup (IntPtr.Zero));
        exit_item.Activated += new EventHandler (Window_Delete);
        open_item.Activated += new EventHandler (Window_Open);

        file_menu.Append (open_item);
        file_menu.Append (new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem ());
        file_menu.Append (exit_item);
        MenuItem file_item = new MenuItem ("_File");
        file_item.Submenu = file_menu;

        mb.Append (file_item);
        menubox.PackStart (mb, false, false, 0);

        // Pack toolbar
        Gtk.Toolbar toolbar = new Gtk.Toolbar ();
        toolbar.InsertStock ("gtk-open", "Open", String.Empty,
new Gtk.SignalFunc (Window_Open), IntPtr.Zero, 0);
        toolbar.InsertStock ("gtk-close", "Close", String.Empty,
new Gtk.SignalFunc (Window_Delete), IntPtr.Zero, 1);
        menubox.PackStart (toolbar, false, false, 0);
        vbox.PackStart (menubox, false, false, 0);

        Pixbuf pix = GetPixbufFromFile (filename);
        image = new Image (pix);

        Refresh (filename, pix);

        scrolled_window.AddWithViewport (image);
        vbox.PackStart (scrolled_window, true, true, 0);

        scrolled_window.SetPolicy (PolicyType.Automatic,
        window.Add (vbox);
        window.ShowAll ();

        Application.Run ();

    static void Refresh (string new_filename, Gdk.Pixbuf p)
        window.Resize (p.Width + 25, p.Height + 75);
        window.Title = String.Format ("Image Viewer: {0}",

    static Gdk.Pixbuf GetPixbufFromFile (string filename)
        try {
            Pixbuf p = new Pixbuf (filename);
            return p;

        } catch (GLib.GException e) {
            Console.WriteLine (e.GetType ());
            Console.WriteLine ("Cannot Open file.");
            Environment.Exit (1);
            return null;


    static void Window_Delete (object o, EventArgs args)
        SignalArgs s = (SignalArgs) args;
        Application.Quit ();
        s.RetVal = true;

    static void Window_Open (object o, EventArgs args)
        Window_Open ();

    static void Window_Delete ()
        Application.Quit ();

    static void Window_Open ()
        selections = new Gtk.FileSelection ("Open... ");
        selections.Modal = true;
        selections.OkButton.Clicked += new EventHandler (OK_Clicked);
        selections.CancelButton.Clicked +=
new EventHandler (Cancel_Clicked);
        selections.ShowAll ();

    static void OK_Clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
        Pixbuf p = GetPixbufFromFile (selections.Filename);
        image.Pixbuf = p;

        Refresh (selections.Filename, p);

        selections.Hide ();

    static void Cancel_Clicked (object o , EventArgs args)
        selections.Hide ();


Revision: r1.3 - 13 Mar 2003 - 02:08 - MikeVanEmmerik
Transform > DecompilationDotNetTests? > DecompilerImageViewerDotNetSource
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