Finding groups in data by computing distances or similarities between elements. In ReverseEngineering, typically used for remodularization, ObjectIdentification, and ArchitectureExtraction. ---- Overviews are provided by: * V. Tzerpos and RicHolt. ACDC: An Algorithm for Comprehension-Driven Clustering. WCRE 2000, pp. 258--267. IEEE Computer Society. * A. Lakhotia. A unified framework for expressing software subsystem classification techniques. JournalOfSystemsAndSoftware (March 1997), 211-231. * T. Wiggerts. Using clustering algorithms in LegacySystems remodularization. In 4th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering WCRE (1997), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 33-43. ---- Tool support: * Bunch, by SpirosMancoridis and BrianMitchell. See * Statistical packages, such SPSS and S-PLUS. ---- The maths of cluster analysis is described by L. Kaufman and P. J. Rousseeuw. _Finding Groups in Data: An Introduction to ClusterAnalysis._ John Wiley, 1990. Very readable, highly recommended. ---- A comparison with mathematical ConceptAnalysis is provided in IdentifyingObjectsUsingClusterAndConceptAnalysis. ---- CategoryReverseEngineering | Contributions by ArieVanDeursen