*Aspect-Oriented Programming* by GregorKiczales, JohnLamping, AnuragMendhekar, ChrisMaeda, ChristinaVideiraLopes, JeanMarcLoingtie and JohnIrwin. In _Proceedings of the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP'97)_. LectureNotesInComputerScience 1241, Springer-Verlag, June 1997. ---- *Summary* -- MartijnSchrage Even though the object-oriented programming (OOP) model provides a good fit for many real domain problems, some problems cannot be captured effectively with either OOP or procedural approaches. System design normally takes place by breaking up the system in increasingly smaller units, until the behaviour of these units can be captured by actual abstractions, or generalized procedures, in a programming language. The abstractions are then combined again to form the system. However, some kinds of behaviour do not follow this functional decomposition of the system and are therefore difficult to implement elegantly using the normal design process. An example of this can be found in an image processing system that consists of a number of filters. Primitive filters are implemented as loops over the input images, and higher-level filters are implemented by combining primitive filters. This leads to a transparent and easy to maintain implementation, but repeated calls to primitive filters can cause many intermediate images to be created that only exist briefly before they are fed into other filters. Optimizing the code for this problem requires fusing loops together and results in tangled code that is difficult to read and to maintain. The problem is that the condition on which loops can be fused is based on the data flow graph, instead of on the functional decomposition graph, and that these two graphs compose differently. The loop fusion property, which is an aspect, is said to cross cut the functional decomposition of the system. Properties may be split into two categories: aspects and components. Components are properties that can be cleanly encapsulated by a generalized procedure, whereas aspects cannot be cleanly encapsulated. Examples of aspects are failure handling, performance, and memory access patterns. Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) allows separate specification of the components as well as of the aspects of the program and combines these specifications automatically in a process called aspect weaving. Important to the aspect weaving is the concept of join points, which are the parts of the semantics of the component programs that the aspect programs coordinate with. In the image processing example, the join points are the data flows of the filter components. The implementation of a system involves programming the components in a component language and writing one or more aspect programs in one or more aspect languages. Furthermore, the aspect weaver for the specific combination of component and aspect languages has to be written, but it might be reused for other applications using the same combination of languages. Using the aspect-oriented approach, the image filters of the example are written in a special component language that makes the loop structure of each filter explicit. An aspect program can examine the structure of the data flow graphs of the filters and reduce them by fusing loops together. The resulting program can then be compiled to an actual implementation. All these steps take place in the aspect weaver. The systems that have been re-implemented using AOP tended to be smaller than their OOP counterparts, and perform about equally well. However, no large experimental studies have been performed yet. An important area of research is an assessment of the actual benefits of AOP. As a starting point, current systems can be examined for presence of AOP elements in their design. Other research areas include the development of a collection of aspect and component languages for different applications, the development of theoretical support and training methods for AOP, and the integration of AOP with current approaches. The field of aspect-oriented programming is related to reflection and metaobject protocols, program transformation, and subjective programming. ---- CategoryReview