The pp-xml-info tool pretty prints xml-info to text. This is a hand-crafted pretty printer?. It is written using the StrategoBox? approach.

In fact the tool pp-xml-info is a composition of xml-info2xml and pp-xml. This xml format is a representation of the syntax of an XML document in the ATerm format. xml-info is a more abstract representation, ignoring syntactical details.

In share/xml-tools there is also a GPP pretty print table for XML. The result will be less attractive then the result of the StrategoBox? PrettyPrinter?, but it works. Layout doesn't matter a lot for languages like XML after all: you shouldn't read it too often ;) .

Revision: r1.1 - 14 Jul 2003 - 14:32 - MartinBravenboer
Tools > StrategoXML > XmlTools > XmlInfo > XmlInfoPrettyPrinter
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