A picture of a Koala specification can be generated with the =koala-dot= tool.
This tool reads a Koala composition, normalizes it and transforms a grapg in DOT format.
For vizualization you need to heva ethe GraphViz package installed.
koala-dot -I <directory with Koala components> \\
-i <top-level component> \\
-n \\
-o graph.dot
With the =dot= program that is part of GraphViz, you can turn this graph into different output formats. E.g.,
dot -Tps graph.dot > graph.ps
The elements in the graphs (like the one on the right) have to following meaning:
|_module_| _present_ module |yellow box|
| | _normal_ module |green box|
|_component_| |pink/orange box|
| | _reachable_ component| asterix (*) attached to name|
|_interface_| _provides_ interface| blue triangle|
| | | a _connected_ provides interfaces has an asterix (*) attached to its name|
| | _requires_ interface| blue triangle|
| | _private_ interface | blue diamond|
| | _optional_ interface| Dashed triangle|
|_switch_ | | red box|
| | | outgoing _red_ arrows correspond to interface references from switch expression.|
| | | The incomming edges correspond to the _in_ cables, the outgoing edges correspond to _out_ edges.|
| | | The top label indicates the switch expression, the bottom labels correspond to switch conditions.|
|_cable_ | _normal_ | arrow|
| | _transitive_ | dashed arrow|