[[AsFixTools][asfix-tools]] is a collection of tools for the AsFix (ASF Fixed) format. The AsFix format is a format for representing a [[Transform.ParseTree][parse tree]]. Sdf.SGLR outputs its result in the AsFix format. ---++ Tools %STARTINCLUDE% * [[%MANUAL%/ref-implode-asfix.html][implode-asfix]] -- implodes a parse tree in AsFix2 format to an [[Stratego.AbstractSyntaxTree][abstract syntax tree]] * [[AsFixYield][asfix-yield]] -- unparses an AsFix2 parse tree to flat text. * [[VisualizeAmbiguities][visamb]] -- display the ambiguities in a parse tree represented in AsFix2 * [[AsFixAnnoComments][asfix-anno-comments]] -- put comments in annotations of a parse tree %STOPINCLUDE%