With the Stratego-xml syntax defintion you can use the ConcreteSyntax of XML syntax in the Stratego. The [[StrategoNetworking][stratego-net]] samples package contains some examples of the generation of XHTML pages in Stratego with concrete syntaxfor XHTML. -- Main.MartinBravenboer - 12 Jul 2003 The best documentation available for this is part of my master thesis (Chapter 7, Section 7.4 and Section 7.5) [[Connecting XML Processing and Term Rewriting with Tree Grammars]] XML embedding is also extensively used by xDoc (written by Rob Vermaas). In his master thesis he has a small chapter about how this works (xml-tools is no longer needed: XML support is now available in Stratego/XT itself): [[XDoc an Extensible Documentation Generator]]. -- Main.MartinBravenboer - 09 Feb 2005