This page lists ideas for programming utilties for Stratego programmers. * StrategoDebug * [[ExtendibleDocumentationGenerator][xDoc]] -- generate documentation for Stratego specifications * [[Stratego Shell]] -- interactive front-end to the Stratego Interpreter. In the Stratego Shell you rewrite a current subject term according to strategies (commands). * [[ATerm Shell]] -- navigate and inspect an ATerm in a file structure like way. Related to the [[ATerm Path]]. * See also =xmllint --shell= * [[ATerm Browser]] -- graphical user interface to browse an ATerm. It is maintained by [[][Jurriaan Hage]] and developed by students in a bachelor project. * [[ATerm Path]] -- path language for ATerms. Related to XPath. A command line tool be written to select terms from an ATerm by specifying an ATerm path. * [[Stratego Pretty Printer]] * StrategoUnit: a testing framework in the style of JUnit * The framework needs documentation * [[Extreme Programming In Stratego]] * how to test * how to debug * how to refactor (interactive refactoring?) * StrategoBench: Benchmarking framework in the style of SUnit * StrategoGlue: composing transformation components * use StrategoScript? * StrategoEmacsMode: filling + latex mode between \end{code} \begin{code} * Default pretty-printing = ugly printing + indentation * is available: publish (but requires box2text) * MetaStratego: A meta-programming framework for Stratego ---- ToDo | Contributions by Main.EelcoVisser