Note that Stratego is now part of the Spoofax Language Workbench, which provides an Eclipse plugin for developing SDF and Stratego, and creating Eclipse IDE plugins for your own language. See the Spoofax website for information and downloads: This website is still available for historical purposes. Refer the new site for up-to-date documentation.

There are many interesting and less interesting improvements that can be made to the Stratego implementation. Anyone who is interested in doing some work on the compiler, the library, the XT tools, or the documentation is welcome. Please join the stratego-dev mailinglist if there is something you would like to do, so that we can avoid duplication of work.


Mailing Lists


People Involved

Planning and Bugtracking

Planning and bugtracking is done using the JIRA issue tracking system. Please add new issues to JIRA!

  • JIRA: roadmap with issues for future releases

Development of Stratego/XT

The Development Chapter in the manual describes how to install Stratego/XT from Subversion, how to modify the sources, and how to contribute your changes.


Resources for (Compiler) Developers

Revision: r1.44 - 03 Jul 2015 - 13:33 - EelcoVisser
Stratego > StrategoDev
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