Solaris/x86 support is scheduled for StrategoXT 0.9.4. Work has begun on pinpointing what is different from already working systems. The following packages are needed: * GNU m4 * GNU autoconf * GNU automake * GCC * GNU make * teTeX Advisable packages to install: * libiconv * GNU grep You can get pre-compiled versions of these packages at -- Main.ArmijnHemel - 25 Jun 2003 [[Stratego.StrategoRelease092][StrategoXT 0.9.2]] compiles on Solaris 8/x86. Still one problem with boxenv/latex. Boxenv assumes latex binary is in ${LATEX}/bin/ , but the latex binary is not always located there. -- Main.RobVermaas - 25 Jun 2003 The latex binary is now located by the configure script. Not yet tested on Solaris however. -- Main.MartinBravenboer - 09 Dec 2003