In a module meta file you can define meta information for a Stratego module. The meta file must have the same name as the module, with the =.meta= extension and is in [[ATerm]] format. The information in the meta file is targeted at some tool that processes the module. A meta file can contain any meta information for any tool, but an obvious target tool is the [[Stratego Compiler]]. The [[ParseStratego][parse-stratego]] tool uses a =Syntax= specification in the meta file to determine the syntax that has to be used for parsing the module. This is required for programming with [[concrete syntax]]. For example, to use [[concrete syntax]] for XML using the [[Tools.XmlFront][xml-front]] package, you must instruct the compiler to use the =Stratego-xml= syntax: Meta([ Syntax("Stratego-xml") ]) ---++ Meta information Currently, the following meta information is recognized by =parse-stratego=: * =Syntax("Language")= defines the syntax to be used for parsing this module. The include path should contain a file =Language.def= or =Language.tbl=. * =HeuristFilters(Off)= or =HeuristFilters(On)= disables or enables (default) the heuristic filters of SGLR for parsing this module. Disabling these filters is encouraged.