First of all download the required packages (=.tar.gz=, RPMs or Source RPMs). You need [[ATermLibrary][aterm]] 2.3.1 and [[Sdf.SdfBundle][sdf2-bundle]] 2.3 The URLs are specified in the the release page of [[StrategoRelease013][Stratego/XT 0.13]].
---++ Using source tarballs
Use the instructions in this section if you want to install Stratego/XT using source tarballs (=.tar.gz=).
All packages can be installed using the usual configure, make, make install, so if you are familiar with installing
tarballs there is nothing special about installing Stratego/XT and its dependencies.
---++++ Installation of aterm and sdf2-bundle
The following sequence of commands takes care of building and installing the [[ATerm Library][aterm]] and the [[Sdf2Bundle][sdf2-bundle]] in =/usr/local=.
tar zxf aterm-2.3.1.tar.gz
cd aterm-2.3.1
./configure --with-gcc
make install
cd ..
tar zxf sdf2-bundle-2.3.tar.gz
cd sdf2-bundle-2.3
make install
cd ..
Configuring the aterm library =--with-gcc= limits the number of different aterm libraries that are installed. Just installing the gcc version makes installation of the aterm library more portable and is sufficient for StrategoXT.
If you want to install the packages at a different location, you should specify a --prefix in the configure command. If you want to install the packages at two different locations, you must configure the sdf2-bundle with the location prefix aterm. For example:
./configure --prefix=/opt/aterm --with-gcc
./configure --prefix=/opt/sdf2-bundle --with-aterm=/opt/aterm
----++++ Installation of StrategoXT
Unpack, configure, make and install StrategoXT using the following commands:
tar zxf strategoxt-0.13.tar.gz
cd strategoxt-0.13
make install
If you want to install StrategoXT at a different prefix, you should specify a =--prefix=. If you installed the aterm library and the sdf2-bundle at a different location, you should specify their location using =--with-aterm= and =--with-sdf=. For example:
./configure --prefix=/opt/strategoxt \
--with-aterm=/opt/aterm --with-sdf=/opt/sdf2-bundle
---++ Using source RPMs
---++ Using binary RPMs
Install the RPMs by running the following command in the directory where you've downloaded the RPMs.
rpm -i *
Use the upgrade option if you've already installed earlier versions of RPMs for aterm, strategoxt or the sdf2-bundle.
rpm -U *
Of course you can also install the RPMs one by one by specifying the filenames of the RPMs.
---++ Related topics
* Known [[Installation troubles]] on operating systems.
* An overview of reported successful [[Stratego configurations][configurations]]
* [[Category installation]] for all topics related to the installation of Stratego